The following photographs and information for the accompanying citations were provided to CMH by the XVIII Airborne Corps History Office. The photographs were taken by the office's historians and its attached 116th 130th, and 317th Military History Detachments (MHDs). They are representative of the types of photographic products generated during combat and contingency operations as historical evidence by the Army's historical program. Please do not send requests for changes to CMH, except to report an obvious typo or major mistake.
Patriot launch unit rearmed after making first "kill." Battery A, 2d Battalion, 7th Air Defense Artillery, after becoming the first Patriot unit to successfully engage a SCUD missile, 18 January 1991, XVIII Airborne Corps History Office photograph by SPC Randall R. Anderson, DS-F-117-07.
Patriot launch unit rearmed after making first "kill." Battery A, 2d Battalion, 7th Air Defense Artillery, after becoming the first Patriot unit to successfully engage a SCUD missile, 18 January 1991, XVIII Airborne Corps History Office photograph by SPC Randall R. Anderson, DS-F-117-08.
Left side view, Patriot launch unit rearmed after making first "kill." Battery A, 2d Battalion, 7th Air Defense Artillery, after becoming the first Patriot unit to successfully engage a SCUD missile, 18 January 1991, XVIII Airborne Corps History Office photograph by SPC Randall R. Anderson, DS-F-117-09.
Rear view, Patriot launch unit rearmed after making first "kill." Battery A, 2d Battalion, 7th Air Defense Artillery, after becoming the first Patriot unit to successfully engage a SCUD missile, 18 January 1991, XVIII Airborne Corps History Office photograph by SPC Randall R. Anderson, DS-F-117-13.
Left rear view, Patriot launch unit rearmed after making first "kill." Battery A, 2d Battalion, 7th Air Defense Artillery, after becoming the first Patriot unit to successfully engage a SCUD missile, 18 January 1991, XVIII Airborne Corps History Office photograph by PFC John F. Freund, DS-F-119-04.
Left side - rear view, Patriot launch unit rearmed after making first "kill." Battery A, 2d Battalion, 7th Air Defense Artillery, after becoming the first Patriot unit to successfully engage a SCUD missile, 18 January 1991, XVIII Airborne Corps History Office photograph by PFC John F. Freund, DS-F-119-08.
Patriot air defense missile site from Battery A, 2d Battalion, 7th Air Defense Artillery, defending airbase and Dhahran-Dammam complex; overview at King Abdul Aziz Royal Saudi Air Base, Dhahran, Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia,18 January 1991. XVIII Airborne Corps History Office photograph by PFC John F. Freund, DS-F-120-17.
Patriot air defense missile site from Battery A, 2d Battalion, 7th Air Defense Artillery, defending airbase and Dhahran-Dammam complex; overview (from rear) of launch unit emplacement at King Abdul Aziz Royal Saudi Air Base, Dhahran, Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia,18 January 1991. XVIII Airborne Corps History Office photograph by PFC John F. Freund, DS-F-120-22.