U.S. Army Chaplain Corps Museum


To collect, preserve, document and utilize for research, exhibitions and educational programs, historically significant properties relating to the history of the U.S. Army Chaplain Corps from its inception 1775 to the present. As an educational institution, the museum will support training and education for military and civilian personnel.


Always present with Soldiers in war and in peace, the Chaplain Corps provides religious support to America's Army by nurturing the living, caring for the wounded, and honoring the fallen. That story is told at the U.S. Army Chaplain Corps Museum.

Since 29 July 1775, approximately 25,000 Army chaplains have served as religious and spiritual leaders for 25 million Soldiers and their families. Army chaplains and religious affairs specialists have performed their ministries in the most religiously diverse organization in the world.

PRO DEO ET PATRIA - For God and Country

Visiting the Museum

Admission Free


Monday 0900 1600
Tuesday 0900 1600
Wednesday 0900 1600
Thursday 0900 1600
Friday 0900 1600
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

Closed on Federal Holidays

10100 Lee Road
Fort Jackson, SC 29207

Entrance to Fort Jackson requires a Department of Defense issued ID or an escort. All visitors 18 years and older must have a valid photo ID. Please note that security protocols can change without notice.