World War II, Korea and Vietnam Casualties Listed by State

Alabama 5,114 589 741
Alaska 91 7 43
Arizona 1,613 185 390
Arkansas 3,814 409 397
California 17,022 1,894 3,597
Colorado 2,697 220 376
Connecticut 4,347 239 344
Delaware 579 35 81
District of Columbia 3,029 126 155
Florida 3,540 458 1,280
Georgia 5,701 640 1,125
Hawaii 689 371 214
Idaho 1,419 97 137
Illinois 18,601 1,436 1,854
Indiana 8,131 742 983
Iowa 5,633 392 533
Kansas 4,526 328 386
Kentucky 6,802 750 763
Louisiana 3,964 481 571
Maine 2,156 184 214
Maryland 4,375 431 639
Massachusetts 10,033 663 708
Michigan 12,885 1,242 1,844
Minnesota 6,462 548 707
Mississippi 3,555 351 485
Missouri 8,003 737 945
Montana 1,553 97 167
Nebraska 2,976 234 260
Nevada 349 28 84
New Hampshire 1,203 113 129
New Jersey 10,372 589 920
New Mexico 2,032 147 256
New York 31,215 1,766 2,646
North Carolina 7,109 694 1,166
North Dakota 1,626 147 134
Ohio 16,828 1,488 1,919
Oklahoma 5,474 475 671
Oregon 2,835 202 416
Pennsylvania 26,554 2,030 1,859
Rhode Island 1,669 111 136
South Carolina 3,423 409 650
South Dakota 1,426 130 134
Tennessee 6,528 714 886
Texas 15,764 1,311 2,172
Utah 1,450 112 243
Vermont 874 82 68
Virginia 6,007 750 864
Washington 3,941 341 660
West Virginia 4,865 703 497
Wisconsin 7,038 627 760
Wyoming 652 45 82
Panama Canal Zone 21 1 2
Puerto Rico 368 706 320
American Samoa -- -- 1
Guam -- -- 58
U.S. Virgin Islands -- -- 14
U.S. At Large -- 0 --
U.S. Possessions -- 20 --

Sources: World War II Honor List of Dead and Missing, June 1946; Battle Casualties of the Army, 30 September 1954; List of Casualties Incurred by U.S. Military Personnel in Connection with the Conflict in Vietnam, 30 September 1975.

* Note: The statistics for World War II (including Army Air Forces), Korea, and Vietnam are U.S. Army casualties only. These casualty statistics do not include those soldiers wounded, captured, or missing. The figures are as of the dates noted above for each conflict. The recovery of remains or declarations of death subsequent to these dates will alter each state's casualty total.