Explaining The Problem
Olin Dows

"In the early morning the Lieutenant calls his company out to explain the problem for the day. This usually takes from ten to thirty minutes depending upon the number of questions asked and the intricacy of the problem. The Rangers discipline is excellent but informal during such moments as this. They lie or stand up. Also when moving off like the group in the distance, or on the march, they may hold their arms horizontally balanced on the shoulder if they wish to."
"Several of the new field gas masks can be noted. One soldier is carrying a length of rope for cliff-scaling and every third man carries a short length of rope with a wooden hand-piece when crossing the moors in case of quicksand."

"In the background can be seen the bivouac, the camouflaged chow truck and the command car. The field jackets shown are a new and experimental garment very similar to the British and made for the United States Army by them on Lend Lease."

Olin Dows