Assault Groups Taking Cover
Aaron Bohrod

“Here we were,” Aaron Bohrod wrote in his journal. Fearing that the Japanese were “awaiting our approach past the wooded section of the beach into the jungle…we crept slowly forward, past and under barbed wire entanglement. The men rose, made a dash of ten or twenty feet forward and then threw themselves down. There were plenty of sound effects. Fire was popping all over the place. Additional barges kept unloading their fighting men, who, like us, moved into the wood.” American fire died away when no Japanese soldiers were found in the woods. Although it was apparent that “there was nothing much to fear…apprehensive glances were often cast upward for snipers in the tall coconut trees. Occasionally a trigger-happy boy would take a shot at the foliage heart of one of these trees just to play it safe.”

Aaron Bohrod