Endnotes for Chapter IV

1 Annual Report of CofS, 30 Jun 39; see above, Ch. II, p. 30.

2 U. S. Dept, Peace and War, U. S. Foreign Policy, 1931-1941 (Washington: GPO, 1943) PP. 4-8, 155-86.

3 Ibid., pp. 49, 383.

4 Cordell Hull, Tire Memoirs of Cordell Hull (New York: Macmillan, 1948), 1, 456-57.

5 For evidence of early State Department concern, sec Minutes of Standing Liaison Committee, particularly items 1, 12, and 19 of hinder 1. See n. 9.

6 (1) Memo, DCofS for ACofS WPD, 1 Sep 37, sub: Degree of Readiness in Which Army Air Corps Should be Maintained in Time of Peace, WPD 3748-12 or OCS 16125-353. (2) Annual Report of the secretary of War . . . 1937, PP. 1, 29, and passim. (3) Annual Report of the Secretary of War . . . 1938, pp. 2, 29-30, and passim.

7 This quotation is from an unsigned and undated paper, but accompanying notes clearly indicate that it was prepared by Colonel Anderson and that it was carried by the chief of WPD to the Chief of Staff. It is filed with papers relating to Rainbow Plans in WPD 4175-2. It bears a file stamp date of 1 November 1939. Many of the phrases used here were used by Colonel Anderson when he commented on the need for a survey of air power policy in March 1939. See n. 34.

8 Ibid.

9 Ltr (with incls), Secy State to SW, 12 Feb 38, sub: Assistance from U. S. in Military and Naval Matters to other American Republics, AG 336 (2-12-38). For other documents relating to the origin and early work of the Standing Liaison Committee, which evidently sprang from this meeting, sec this file and G-2/2450-336. The principal War Department file for the work of the committee is a set of four binders consisting of minutes, memoranda, letters, and related papers in the custody of the Secretary of the General Staff. These will be referred to as SLC Min. Sec n. 5.

10 Memo on The Proposed Standing Liaison Committee of the State, War and Navy Departments, item 4, bndr 1, SLC Min. This memorandum was prepared in the State Department and copies were enclosed in the letter of proposal sent to the President and in the letter of the Secretary of State informing the Secretary of War of Presidential approval for the committee, 8 April 1938.

11 Memo, President for Secy State, 4 Apr 38, item 4, bndr 1, SLC Min.

12 Memo, Asst SGS for AG, 11 Apr 38, item 4, bndr 1, SLC Min.

13 Memo, SGS for the record, 11 Sep 40, CofS files, Miscellaneous Conferences . . ., bndr 3. Some doubt is thrown on the accuracy of this statement about "past practice" by evidence showing that Chief of Staff Craig voluntarily provided the State Department with a copy of the joint Army-Navy Exploratory Study that gave rise to the Rainbow Plans on 6 May 1939. Notes on a copy of the study filed with WD files in JB 325, ser 634.

14 SLC Min, passim.

15 For a full and well-annotated account of U. S.-British naval relations in the years preceding World War II and of the Navy's large role in combined planning, see Historical Monograph on U. S.-British Naval Co-operation 1940-45, Secret, first draft manuscript (hereafter cited as Kittredge, U. S.-British Naval Cooperation) prepared by Capt. Tracy B. Kittredge, USNR, Mist Sec, JCS. The 1937 events here mentioned are chronicled in his Vol. I, Sec. 1, Pt. D, Ch. IV, and specifically in n. 9.

16 Sec JB sers 589, 597, 617, 6:8, with JB file 325 for 1937-38.

17 Testimony of Admiral Ingersoll, 12 Feb 46, before Joint Committee of Congress on the Investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack, 79th Cong, ist sess, in Pearl Harbor Attack (Washington: GPO, 1946), pp. 4273-77.

18 Ibid., P. 4273. See also n. 25, Kittredge, U.S.-British Naval Co-operation, Vol. I, Sec.1, Pt. C, Ch. III, and n. 28 in Vol. I, Sec. 1, Pt. D, Ch. IV.

19 A "State-War-Navy Co-ordinating Committee" to serve the same purpose was informally created in December 1944 by the department heads, each of whom named an assistant to handle political military matters. It was formalized on 26 October 1945 by joint statement of the Secretaries. Dept of State -Bull XIII 333, 1945, PP. 745-47.

20 Personal Ltr, Gen Marshall, DCofS, to Mai Gen John A. DeWitt, Comdt AWC, 6 Feb 39, OCS 14281-22. This original, plus General Craig's acknowledgment of r April 1939 as personal letter to General DeWitt, plus the secret directive as drafted by WPD, plus the committee report with attendant charts and maps, are assembled in binder, Course at the Army War College 1938-1939. Report of Special Committee, sub: Special Study-Brazil, date of preparation 17 Feb-29 Mar 39, Record Sec AWC. For Navy's and Joint Board's concerns on this subject see Capt Tracy B. Kittredge, USNR, United States Defense Policies and Global Strategy, Secret, first draft manuscript (hereafter cited as Kittredge, U. S. Defense Policies), Vol. I, Chs. VI, VII, and VIII, Hist Sec, JCS. See also in present chapter mention of Stark Marshall joint estimate of 27 Jun 40.

21 See Kittredge, U. S. Defense Policies, Ch. IX, Evolution of National Defense Policy . . . Hemisphere Defense May-August 1940, pp. 27ff. of first draft MS. See also reports of subversive movements cited by William L. Langer and S. Everett Gleason in MS of The United States in The Second World War, awaiting publication, Ch. 28.

22 (1) See reference in Memo, CofS for JB, 2 Nov 40, sub: Revision of Joint Plan for Occupation of Martinique, JB 325, set 666. (2) See Report of Second Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the American Republics (Washington, 1941), Dept of State Pub 1525.

23 Report of the Delegation of the USA, Dept of State Pub 1624 (Conference Series 50).

24 (1) Memo, CofS for SW, 18 Apr 41, sub: Airfields in Paraguay, OCofS 21220-4. Sec also earlier Memos, CofS for Under Secy State, 1 Feb 41 and 14 May 41, same file.

25 See Chapter III.

26 Memo, Secy JB for Joint Planning Committee, 12 Nov 38, sub: Study of Joint Action in Event of Violation of Monroe Doctrine by Fascist Powers, JB :325, ser 634.

27 Exploratory Studies in Accordance with JB 325, ser 634, initialed by Col. Clark, Sec. IV, pp. 3-4. The exact authorship of this study, one of several bearing the identical title, but with varying contents (this one is distinguished by the FSC initials), has not been determined, but markings indicate its origin in WPD prior to 25 January 1939.

28 Ibid., Sec. VI, pp. 9-10, and Sec. VII, pp. 9 and 22.

29 Joint Planning Committee Exploratory Studies, 21 Apr 39, Sec. V, pp. 1 and 2, JB 325, set 634.

30 Ibid., Sec. III, par. 8.

31 Memo, ACofS WPD for CofS, 2 May 39, dealing with JB 325, set 634, in WPD 4175.

32 See Kittredge, U. S.-British Naval Co-operation, Vol. 1, Sec. 1, Pt. D, Ch. IV, n. 28.

33 Memo, ASW for CofS, 14 Oct 38, SW 622.

34 Memo, Col J. W. Anderson for ACofS WPD, 15 Mar 39, sub: Employment of Aviation, WPD 3748-17.

35 Ibid.

36 For General. Marshall's ideas on the report see Memo, CofS for SW, 1 Sep 39, sub: Air Board Report, AG 320.2 (3-22-39) Re Aviation in National Defense Air Board Report. There are related and supporting papers in the above file, in WPD 3748-17, and in OCS 16125-365.

37 Study prepared in WPD and submitted by Memo, ACofS WPD for CofS, 30 Nov 38, sub: Augmentation of the Ground Forces, Regular Army and National Guard, WPD 3674-10. This sequence of events (as related to the materiel program, rather than to the strategic policy development) is treated in Chapter V at length.

 39 Memo, ACofS WPD for CofS, 28 Dec 38, sub: Determination of Peacetime Personnel Requirements, Regular Army, WPD 3674-12.

40 Ltr, TAG to ACofS WPD and others, 9 Feb 39, sub: War Dept Attitude Regarding Additional Personnel, and enclosure entitled "Reinforcements for Overseas Possessions and Need for Expeditionary Forces." Copies of these papers and related papers showing their origin and General Marshall's personal interest in the matter are in (1) AG 320.2 (2-7-39) War Department Attitude Re Additional Personnel for Mobile Army . . . and (2) WPD 3674-13. This letter is cited in other connections in Chapter II, page 22, and Chapter VI, page 153.

41 CofS's revision of WPD Memo found with AG Ltr, 9 Feb 39, cited in previous notes.

42 Study entitled "The Most Serious Weakness in Our National Defense System," included as Tab B in Memo, ACofS WPD for DCofS, 2 Feb 39, sub: Need for Five Divisions, WPD 3674-13. See also Memo, ACofS WPD for CofS, 11 Apr 39, sub: Augmentation of Ground Troops, WPD 3674-14.

43 The discussions and the resultant plans, well annotated, are dealt with at length in the opening chapter of a volume under preparation in this subseries entitled Strategy of Deployment, 1941-1943, by M. Matloff and E. M. Snell. The basic papers are filed in JB 325, ser 642.

44 Federal Register (hereafter cited as FR), Doc. 30-2343.

45 For a résumé of Rainbow Plans see Memo prepared by WPD, 31 Jul 41, sub: Rainbow Plans, WPD 3493-12.

46 See Chapter X11.

47 Memo, Gen Marshall for SW (Woodring), 4 Sep 39, sub: British-French Strategy, based upon Memo of same date from Gen Strong, ACofS WPD (both in WPD 4199 and in OCS 21090). This memorandum records War Department confidence on the outbreak of the war, fully supported by autumn and winter developments, that "serious action" by British and French Armies was unlikely in the near future. The number of neutral states on the German borders was taken to confine possible land action by Britain and France for some time to come largely to artillery and air action in an area where a frontal attack would be costly. A sea blockade was predicted and offensive air activity was expected to be keyed to German behavior.

48 House Appropriations Committee, 76th Cong, 3d sess, Hearings on HR 9209 (Washington, 1940), p. 3.

49 Unsigned Memo, 21 May 40, CofS files, Emergency file, bndr 2. Sec also Memo, ACofS WPD for CofS, 27 May 40, sub: Preventive occupation of British Possessions in Western Hemisphere, WPD 4175-9.

50 Memo prepared in WPD, 22 May 40, sub: National Strategic Decisions, WPD 4175-7.

51 Ibid. For other considerations of this east-of-180' defense, see Chapters XIII-XIV.

52 Memo, CofS for ACofS WPD, 23 May 40, WPD 4175-10. See also, same file, note for record prepared by Mai (later Lt Gen) Matthew Ridgway, 23 May 40.

53 Report JPC to JB, 31 May 40, JB 325, ser 642-4, including Plan Pot of Gold, 27 May 40.

54 Sec Kittredge, U. S.-British Naval Co-operation, Pt. A, Ch. V, notes and appendices, p. 70, item 21, Jun 40.

55 (1) U. S. London Embassy Dispatch 1216, Ambassador for Secy State, 15 May 40. (2) U. S. Embassy Dispatch 1271, 20 May 40, "for the President from a former naval person."

56 For extended and annotated discussion of the Bailey committee's activities (a series of its reports was drafted for Rear Adm. (later Vice Adm.) Robert L. Ghormley's examination on 7 September) see Kittredge, U. S.-British Naval Co-operation, particularly Sec. II, U. S. British Relations 1939-40, Pt. D, Ch. VIII, pp. 179ff. Also Kittredge, U. S. Defense Policies, Ch. X, Sec. C.

57 Japan entered Indo-China on 22 September 1940, with Vichy's consent. See contemporary news accounts.

58 Memo, ACofS WPD for TAG, 17 Jun 40, sub: Defense Precautions, WPD 4322.

59 Notes on conference of 17 Jun 40, CofS files, Misc Conf, bndr 3.

60 See JB 325, sers 642, 642.2, 642.3, 642.4, and 642.5.

61 See Memo, senior Army and Navy members JPC for CofS and CNO, 26 Jun 40, sub: Views on Questions Propounded by the President on the War Situation, WPD 4199 (British-French strategy). It recites the 13 June assumptions dictated by Mr. Roosevelt.

62 Memo, ACofS WPD for CofS, 17 Jun 40, sub: National Defense Policy, WPD 4250-3.

63 Unsigned and undated copy of a proposal, accompanied by informal Memo signed "GCM" to Col Ward (SGS), 17 Jun 40, sub: Decisions as to National Action. GCM stated that "the original of this paper was handed to Admiral Stark after being read to the Liaison Committee this morning." In WPD 4250-3.

64 A copy of this document, 22 June 40, unsigned, is found in WPD 4250-3. It apparently is the copy that General Marshall carried with him to the White House conference, for it bears General Marshall's penciled interlineations and marginal notes. These are retyped in a 24 June 40 memorandum from General Marshall for General Strong, along with the Presidents remarks which are referred to. This typed memorandum, signed "GCM," is also in WPD 4250-3.

65 An unsigned copy under that title, 27 June 1940, accompanied by Appendix A listing "Pacific Islands of Great Britain and France" and allotting responsibility for several island groups to Australia and New Zealand, is found in WPD 4250. On that same day, in a letter drafted by WPD, the Acting Secretary opposed a Congressional proposal to formulate a military policy, holding that this is determined, rather, by the nation's foreign policy, which is changeable. Ltr, Johnson to Sen Sheppard, 27 Jun 40, WPD 4250-2.

66 The sequence of these events is recorded in contemporary notes as employed in Kittredge, U. S.-British Naval Co-operation, Sec. III, Pt. A, n. 8.

67 Ibid., (1) Entry for 25 Jul 40 and (2) Entry for 8 Aug 40.

68 See British Minutes of the Anglo-American Standardization of Arms Committee meetings for 20, 29, and 31 Aug 40, filed at end of Staff Conference U. S. and Great Britain, sec 1, WPD 4402-20 inclusive.

69 Ibid., minutes for 31 Aug 40.

70 Ibid., minutes for 29 Aug 40.

71 Ibid., minutes for 31 Aug 40.

72 Ibid.

73 Memo, ACofS WPD for COPS, 25 Sep 40, sub: The Problem of Production of Munitions in Relation to the Ability of the United States to Cope with Its Defense Problems in the Present World Situation, WPD 4321-9.

74 See Cordell Hull, Memoirs, 11, 940-4.

75 Ibid.

76 SLC Min, 5 Oct 40, item 58, bndr 1.

77 Memo, CofS for SW, 7 Oct 40, sub: Meeting of Liaison Committee Saturday Oct 6, 1940. (Sic. This is an error. It clearly refers to the 5 October meeting.) General Marshall's memo is also included in item 58 of SLC Minutes previously cited.

78 SLC Min, 5 Oct 40, item 58, bndr 1.

79 Admiral Stark's estimate is referred to in Memo, SGS (Col Ward) for ACofS WPD, 13 Nov 40, and Memo, Actg ACofS WPD for CofS, 13 Nov 40, sub: National Policy of the United States, both in WPD 4175-15. The file contains not the draft but its revision in the form of Admiral Stark's "Plan Dog" memorandum of 12 November 1940. This is referred to, later in the text, as the suggestion which led to the American-British Staff Conversations. The impulse for "Plan Dot;" probably came from Naval War College discussions of April 1940, for when Captain Turner came from that institution to Washington to head the Navy WPD, on 25 October, he brought with him the April studies and the conclusions to which they led notably that in a two-ocean war priority should be given to the defeat of Germany which would end the threats to Western Hemisphere security; that aid to the democracies would hasten that defeat; and that action against a belligerent Japan should be initially defensive.

80 British Ambassador's telegram to the Foreign Office, 14 Oct 40, included in memorandum referred to in Kittredge, U. S.-British Naval Co-operation, Vol. I, Sec. I, Ch. III, n. 25. Lord Lothian presented the Prime Minister's proposal for Staff conversations to Mr. Roosevelt on 14 October. First favoring the proposal, Mr. Roosevelt reconsidered the matter, perhaps in the light of the 1940 election campaign, and on 27 October returned the memorandum to Lord Lothian without action.

81 See Memo, Admiral Stark for SN, 12 Nov 40, familiarly known as the "Plan Dog Memorandum," filed in Navy Dept, as OP 12 CTB (so identified in Memo, SGS for ACofS WPD, 13 Nov 40, WPD 4275-15) and as Appendix A to notes for Sec. III, Pt. D, Ch. XIII of Kittredge, U. S.-British Naval Co-operation.

82 The Canada-U. S. defense plan was followed by a series of bilateral agreements with all South American states except Argentina and a number of special plans for Latin America.

83 Last paragraph of the "Plan Dog Memorandum." cited in n. 81 above.

84 Memo cited in Kittredge, U. S.-British Naval Cooperation, Vol. 1, Sec. 1, Ch. III, n. 25.

85 Testimony of 6 Dec 45 in joint Committee on the Investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack, 79th Cong, ist sess, Pearl Harbor Attack, Pt. 3, p. 1052.

86 Memo, Actg ACofS WPD for CofS, 13 Nov 40, sub: National Policy of the United States, WPD 4175-15.

87 (1) Notations on papers filed in WPD 4175-15. (2) Memo, CofS for JB, 18 Nov 40, sub: National Defense Policy of the United States, WPD 4175-15.

88 Memo, CNO to CofS, 22 Nov 40, WPD 4175-15.

89 SLC Min, 23 Nov 40, item 65, bndr 1.

90 Memo, ACofS WPD to CofS, 27 Nov 40, WPD 4175-15.

91 Memo, CofS for CNO, 29 Nov 40, sub: Tentative Draft, Navy Basis War Plan-Rainbow 3, WPD 4175-15.

92 Memo, CNO for COPS, 29 Nov 40, sub: Joint Basis War Plans, Rainbow 3 and 5, WPD 4175-15.

93 Ibid.

94 (1) Memo, CofS for CNO, 2 Dec 40, sub: Joint Basic War Plans, Rainbows 3 and 5, WPD 4175-15. (2) Memo, Col J. T. McNarney for ACofS WPD, 2 Dec 40, sub: Staff Conversations, WPD 4402.

95 (1) Memo, Joint Planning Committee for the Joint Board, 21 Dec 40, sub: National Defense Policy for the United States in response to a 14 Dec 40 directive from JB. (2) Study of the Joint Planning Committee, 12 Dec 40, sub: Study of the Immediate Problems Concerning Involvement in War. Both documents are part of JB 325, ser 670.

96 Memo, JPC for JB, 21 Dec 40. Sec preceding note.

97 Memo, Actg ACofS WPD for CofS, 3 Jan 41, sub: Conference with the Secretary of State, WPD 4175-I5. For the differences over procedure in presenting the estimate to the President see Memo, Actg ACofS WPD for CofS, 20 Dec 40, WPD 4175-15.

98 Memo, CofS for ACofS WPD, 17 Jan 41, sub: White House Conference of Thursday, 16 Jan 41, WPD 4175-18.

99 The ABC Staff Conversations are dealt with in Chapter XII.

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