Endnotes for Chapter VI

1 Aide-memoire on the Defense of Hawaii, 24 Apr 41, WPD 3672-32.

2 Pearl Harbor Attack, and Report of the Joint Committee on the Investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack, 79th Cong., 2d sess., Doc. 244 (Washington, 1946) (hereafter cited as Pearl Harbor Report) contain the greatest bulk of the evidence gathered. Watson, Prewar Plans and Preparations, chs. XIV-XV, relates the Army background. Samual Eliot Morison, "History of the United States Naval Operations in World War II," vol. III, The Rising Sun in the Pacific, 1931-April 1942 (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1950), is the best brief account of Navy and Japanese operations. William L. Langer and S. Everett Gleason, The Undeclared War, 1940-1941 (New York: Harper and Brothers, 1953), describes the diplomatic background in detail. See also the bibliographic survey by Louis Morton, "Pearl Harbor in Perspective," in United States Naval Institute Proceedings, vol. 81 (April 1955), pp. 461-68.

3 Louis Morton, Strategy and Command: The First Two Years (Washington, 1962) (hereafter cited as Morton, Strategy and Command), ch. I, p. 23.

4 Ltr, TAG to CG Hawaiian Dept, 3 Jan 20, copy in OPD Resume, Pearl Harbor Attack.

5 Pers Ltr, Gen Marshall to Maj Gen Walter C. Short, 7 Feb 41, WPD 4449-1.

6 Pers Ltr Gen Herron to Gen Marshall, 1 Sep 30, CofS file, Herron, Gen C. D.

7 Rpt of Col Edward M. Markham to CofS, 10 Jan 38, sub: Rpt on Def Features of the Hawaiian Islands, WPD 3878-9; Annual Reports of the Secretary of War, 1945-40.

8 WPD Study, 9 Dec 35, sub: Defense Mission-Hawaiian Dept, and other papers in WPD 3878; Memo, Col Sherman Miles for ACofS WPD, 28 Dec 35, WPD 3672-7.

9 Memo, JB to SW, 19 May 36, WPD 3878-1.

10 Memo, ACofS WPD for Col Miles, WPD, 29 Jul 37, and other papers in WPD 3878-3.

l1 Colonel Markham had just completed a four-year tour of duty as Chief of Engineers, with rank of major general; and he retired with that rank in February 1938.

12 Rpt of Col Markham to CofS, 10 Jan 38.

13 Rpt of Col Markham to CofS, 10 Jan 38. On 7 Dec 1941 the six Japanese carriers engaged used 355 planes against Oahu. See below, p. VII-28.

14 Memo, ACofS WPD for Chief, Budget and Planning Br, WDGS, 6 May 39, WPD 3807-31 ; Tabs Y and Y2 to Army Air Bd Rpt, 26 Jun 39, WPD 3748-17.

15 Tab C to Memo, WPD for CofS, 21 Dec 39, WPD 3807-41. See also above, ch. 111, PP. 55-56.

16 The tenacity of the first of these assumptions is reflected in the underestimates of Japanese carrier strength by both Washington and Hawaiian authorities immediately after the December 1941 attack. They knew Oahu must have been hit by planes from more than two carriers, but they guessed that no more than three or four had been used.

17 Memo, Lt Col Jonathan W. Anderson for Brig Gen George V. Strong, WPD, 24 Jun 40, WPD 3807-41.

18 Notes on Conf in OCofS, 17 Jun 40, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 15, pp. 1929-31.

19 Table showing Army airplane strength in Hawaii, January 1941, in OPD Exec 4, item 5.

20 See Conn and Fairchild, Framework of Hemisphere Defense, ch. II; Morison, Rising Sun in the Pacific, p. 43 ; Memo, WPD for CofS, 17 Jun 40, WPD 4250-3.

21 Notes on Confs in OCofS, 17 Jun 40, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 15, pp. 1929-31; Memo,Gen Strong for Gen Marshall, 15 Dec 45, ibid., pp. 1908-10; Memo for Rcd, Gen Strong, 11 Dec 45, OPD Pearl Harbor file, Misc Corresp; Draft Ltr, CofS to CG Hawaiian Dept,--------------Jun 40, WPD 4322.

22 Memo, WPD for TAG, 17 Jun 40, WPD 4322.

23 Various exchanges between WD and Hawaiian Dept, 17 Jun-16 Jul 40, WPD 4322; Memo, Gen Herron for Gen Marshall, 18 Dec 41, OPD Resume, Pearl Harbor Attack; Testimony of Adm Richardson, 11 and 20 Nov 45, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. I, pp. 274, 312; Testimony of Gen Herron, 8 Jan 44, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 27, p. 125.

24 Pers Ltr, Geri Herron to Gen Marshall, 6 Sep 40, in CofS file, Herron, Gen C. D.

25 Stimson Diary, entries of 4 and 8 Oct 40; Memo, OPD for COB, 7 Oct 40, and CofS for DCofS Gen Bryden, 9 Oct 40. Last two in OPD Resume, Pearl Harbor Attack. Notes on Conf in OCofS, 8 Oct 40, OCS Conf, binder 6.

26 Gen Herron, Draft Surmises on Insular Operations, 12 Nov 40, WPD 3878-8; Pers Ltr, Gen Herron to Gen Marshall, 13 Aug 40, and Incls, in CofS file, Herron, Gen C. D.

27 Various papers, dated 11 Dec 40-7 Jan 41, in WPD 3878-9; Testimony of Rear Adm Claude C. Bloch, Commandant, Fourteenth Naval District, 30 Dec 41, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 22, p. 500.

28 Testimony of Gen Herron, 8 Jan 44, Pearl Harbor Attack, Pt. 27, P. 128.

29 Ltr, SN to SW, 24 Jan 41, WPD 3583-I.

30 Memo, CofS for WPD, 17 Jan 4 1, WPD 4175-18.

31 Memo, WPD for COB, 21 Jan 41, WPD 4175-18.

32 Notes on Conf in OCofS, 6 Feb 41, OCS Conf, binder 10; Memo, Gen Marshall for ACofS WPD, 6 Feb 41; Ltr, SW to SN, 7 Feb 41. Last two in WPD 3583-1 ; Memo for Rcd of Maj Gen Thomas T. Handy, 1 Aug 44, in OPD Resume, Pearl Harbor Attack.

33 Pers Ltr, Gen Marshall to Gen Short, 7 Feb 41, WPD 4449-1.

34 Stimson Diary, entry of 23 Apr 41.

35 WPD Draft of Aide-memoire on Oahu, n.d. but probably 23 Apr 41, WPD 3672-32.

36 Notation on Aide-memoire, Def of Hawaii, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 15, p. 1635. The original of the revised version, dated 24 Apr 1941, is in WPD 3672-32.

37 See Conn and Fairchild, Framework of Hemisphere Defense, chs. V and VI.

38 Ltr, Gen Short to Gen Marshall, 19 Feb 41, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 15, pp. 1602-04.

39 Ltrs, Gen Herron to Gen Marshall, 13 Aug 40-28 Jan 41, in CofS file, Herron, Gen C. D.

40 An. 7 to Jt Coastal Frontier Def Plan, 1939, signed 28 Mar 41, in AG 381 (1-24-41) (I)

41 Jt Estimate Covering Jt Army and Navy Air Action in the Event of Sudden Hostile Action Against Oahu or Fleet Units in the Hawaiian Area, 31 Mar 41, Incl to Pers Ltr, Gen Short to Gen Marshall, 14 Apr 41, AG 601.5 (4-14-41).

42 Pers Ltr, Gen Short to Gen Marshall, 14 Apr 41, AG 601.5 (4-14-41) ; Memo, Adm Kimmel for Adm Stark, 4 Jun 41, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 16, pp. 2238-39.

43 Craven and Cate, Plans and Early Operations, pp. 172-73; Memo, Office Chief of Air Corps for TAG, 7 May 41, AG 452 (3-3-41) ; Notes on Conf in OSW, 19 May 41, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 15, p. 1631.

44 Memo, SGS for CG AAF, 3 Jul 41, OCS 17234-25; CG Hawaiian Air Force for CG AAF, through CG Hawaiian Dept, 20 Aug 41., with lncls, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 14, pp. 1019-34; Memo, Col Bernard Thielen for Brig Gen North, 3 Dec 45, OPD file, Pearl Harbor Misc Corresp; Testimony of Maj Gen Frederick L. Martin, 29 Aug 44, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 28, p. 973.

45 This last point had been fully appreciated by the Chief Signal Officer and the commander of the GHQ Air Force back in February, before any of the new planes had been sent out to Hawaii (Notes on Confs in OCofS, 19 and 25 Feb 41, OCS Conf, binder 10) ; but the mere presence of the planes appears to have had a satisfying effect both in Washington and Hawaii.

46 Various papers, dated 1939-41, in WPD 3640-5, 6, and 13. See Terrett, The Emergency, pp. 299-306, for details.

47 1st Ind, OCSigO to ASF, 31 Jul 44, on Memo, ASF for CSigO, 27 Jul 44, in OPD Resume, Pearl Harbor Attack.

48 Lt Col Willard L. Jones, History of the Organization of United States Antiaircraft Artillery, draft MS in OCMH; Memo, WPD for COfS, 2 Dec 41, WPD 1305-24; statistical data in OPD file, Pearl Harbor Misc Corresp.

49 Testimony of Maj Gen Henry T. Burgin before Army Pearl Harbor Bd, 8 Sep 44, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 28, p. 1370.

50 Resume on Dispersion and Protection of Aircraft, WPD 4483.

51 Ltr, Gen Short to Gen Marshall, AG 660.2 (3-5-41) ; Ltrs, Gen Short to Gen Marshall, 11 Jun 41, and Gen Marshall to Gen Short, 8 Aug 41, in Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 15, pp. 1624­25; extract from Min, JB Mtg, 19 Sep 41, in OPD Resume, Pearl Harbor Attack.

52 Various papers, dated 10 Jul-25 Jul 41, in WPD 2550-28.

53 Memo, WPD for TAG, 19 Jun 40, WPD 2550-14, and other papers in this same file.

54 The 299th was a National Guard regiment organized and recruited in the outer islands, so in effect this move represented a return of its component parts to their home stations, after six months' duty and training on Oahu.

55 History of Army in Hawaii before 7 Dec 1941, in Bulky Package 2 of supporting documents to USAFMIDPAC History in OCMH; Testimony of Gen Short before Roberts Commission, 23 Dec 41 and 8 Jan 42, in Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 22, p. 68, and pt. 23, p. 991.

56 Memo, Gen Short for TAG, 25 Apr 41, in Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 18, p. 3096; Hawaiian Dept GO 53, 1941, 26 Sep 41; Testimony of Brig Gen Durward S. Wilson before Roberts Commission, 24 Dec 41, in Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 22, p. 153.

57 Tabulations of Machine Rcds Br, AGO, 30 Nov 45, in OPD file, Pearl Harbor Misc Corresp.

58 Gwenfread Allen, Hawaii's War Years (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1950), pp. 264-66.

59 Incl to Memo, WPD for CofS, 15 May 41, WPD 3493-11.

60 Rad, TAG to CG Hawaiian Dept, 28 May 41, WPD 4175-18; various papers, dated 1937-41, in WPD 3835.

61 Memo, CofS for President Roosevelt, 22 Sep 41, with annotations, in Roosevelt Papers, FDRL.

62 Study, Comparison of RAINBOW 5 and Its Revision #1 of Nov 41, in OPD Pearl Harbor file; Tab A to Memo, G-3 for CofS, 19 Nov 41, AG 381 (11-19-41) .

63 WD Operations Plan, RAINBOW 5, par. 30, copy in OPD Resume, Pearl Harbor Attack.

64 Revision 1940, sec. II, par. I. d. ( I ), copy in OPD Resume, Pearl Harbor Attack.

65 Study, n.d., sub: Comparison of R 5 and Rev of R 5, Nov 41, in OPD Pearl Harbor file.

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