
AA Antiaircraft
AAA Antiaircraft artillery
AAF Army Air Forces
AAR After Action Report
ABC American-British Conversations (January-March 1941)
ABDA American-British-Dutch-Australian (Command)
ACofS Assistant Chief of Staff
Actg Acting
Admin Administration; administrative
AdminO Administrative order
ADSEC Advance Section (on Continent)
AFB Air Force Base
AFHQ Allied Force Headquarters (Mediterranean)
AFWESPAC U.S. Army Forces, Western Pacific
AG Adjutant General
AGF Army Ground Forces
AGWAR Code letters for War Department messages
AMMISCA American Military Mission to China
AP Armor-piercing
APD High-speed transports
Armd Armored
ASCOM Army Service Command (Southwest Pacific)
ASD Ammunition supply dump (British)
ASF Army Service Forces
ASP Ammunition supply point
AW Air warning
BAM Base automotive maintenance
BAR Browning automatic rifle
BCL Barge, concrete, large
Bd Board
Br Branch
BS Base Section
CBI China-Burma-India
CBS Continental Base Section
CDL Canal Defense Light
CinC Commander in Chief
Comdr Commander
CMH Chief of Military History
Cof Ord Chief of Ordnance
CofS Chief of Staff
COMGENAFMIDPAC Commanding General, Army Forces, Mid-Pacific
COMGENTEN Commanding General, Tenth Army
COMZ Communications Zone
CONAD Continental Advance Section (Europe)
Conf Conference
COrdO Chief Ordnance Officer
CP Command post
C&P Cleaning and preserving
CPBC Central Pacific Base Command
CTF Center Task Force (North Africa)
DCofS Deputy Chief of Staff
DD Duplex drive
DDAR Division of Defense Aid Reports
Det Detachment
DUKW 2 1/2-ton amphibious truck
EBS Eastern Base Section (Mediterranean and England)
EEIB Enemy Equipment Intelligence Branch
Engr Engineer
ETF Eastern Task Force (North Africa)
ETO European Theater of Operations
ETOUSA European Theater of Operations, U.S. Army
FA Field army; field artillery
FECOMZ Forward Echelon, Communications Zone (Europe)
Flak Flugabwehrkanone, German antiaircraft gun
FS Fast Supply (ships)
FUSA First U.S. Army
FUSAG 1st U.S. Army Group
G-1 Personnel section of divisional or higher staff
G-2 Intelligence section of divisional or higher staff
G-3 Operations and training section of divisional or higher staff
G-4 Supply section of divisional or higher staff
GHQ General Headquarters
Gp Group
HAM Heavy automatic maintenance
HB Historical Branch
HE High explosive
HM Heavy Maintenance
HVAP High-velocity, armor piercing
Incl Inclosure
Ind Indorsement
Insp Inspection
Instr Instructions
Interv Interview
ICSOM Island Command (Okinawa)
Jnl Journal
KCRC Kansas City Records Center
Kwk Kampfwagenkanone, German tank gun
LCI Landing craft, infantry
LCM Landing craft, mechanized
LCT Landing craft, tank
LCVP Landing craft, vehicle and personnel
LM Light maintenance
LSM Landing ship, medium
LST Landing ship, tank
LVT Landing vehicle, tracked
LVT (1) Landing vehicle, tracked, unarmored, Alligator
LVT (A) Landing vehicle, tracked, armored (turret type)
Maint Maintenance
MAM Medium automotive maintenance
MBS Mediterranean Base Section
MFR Memo for record
MIM Military Iranian Mission
Min Minutes
MM Medium maintenance
MNAM Military North Africa Mission
M&S Maintenance and supply
Msg Message
MTO Mediterranean Theater of Operations
MTOUSA Mediterranean Theater of Operations, U.S. Army
MVA Motor vehicle assembly (company)
MVD Motor vehicle distributing (company)
N.A. North Africa
NAMM North African Military Mission
NATO North African Theater of Operations
NATOUSA North African Theater of Operations, U.S. Army
N.G. New Guinea
NGF New Guinea Force
NIBC Northern Ireland Base Command
NUSA Ninth U.S. Army
NYPE New York Port of Embarkation
OCM Ordnance Committee Minutes
OCO Office of the Chief of Ordnance
OCT Office of the Chief of Transportation
OHF Ordnance Historical Files
OMET Ordnance Middle East Tasks
O.O. Ordnance Office
O.O.B. Ordnance Office Bulletin
OPD Operations Division
Opn Operation
Ord Ordnance
Orgn Organization
Pak Panzerabwehrkanone, German antitank gun
PBS Peninsular Base Section (Italy)
Plng Planning
POA Pacific Ocean Areas
POE Port of Embarkation
POG Provisional Ordnance Group
POM Preparation for Overseas Movement
POZIT fuze European theater term for proximity fuze or VT
PROCO Projects for continental operations
Prov Provisional
Pzkw Panzerkampfwagen, German tank
QM Quartermaster
RAAF Royal Australian Air Force
Rad Radiogram
RAF Royal Air Force
RAOC Royal Army Ordnance Corps
RASC Royal Army Service Corps
RCT Regimental combat team
Recn Reconnaissance
REME Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
RPH Remember Pearl Harbor (Group)
Rpt Report
SBS Southern Base Section (England)
Sec Section
Secy Secretary
Serv Service
SFPOE San Francisco Port of Embarkation
SHAEF Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force
SNL Standard Nomenclature List
SOLOC Southern Line of Communications
SOPAC South Pacific Area; South Pacific Force
SOS Services of Supply
SP Self-propelled
SPA South Pacific Area
Spec Special
SPOBS Special Observer Group
SS Special Staff
SSUSA Special Staff, U.S. Army
Sub Subject
SUP Single unit pack for vehicles
SWPA Southwest Pacific Area
TAG The Adjutant General
TAP Truck assemble plants
T/BA Table of basic allowances
TC Transportation Corps
TD Tank destroyer
T/E Table of equipment
Tech Technical
TICAF The Industrial College of the Armed Forces
Tk Tank
T/O Table of Organization
TOE Table of Organization and equipment
TUP Twin unit pack for vehicles
TUSA Third U.S. Army
U.K. United Kingdom
USAAS United States Army Air Services
USAFBI United States Army Forces in the British Isles
USAFFE United States Army Forces, Far East
USAFIA United States Army Forces in Australia
USAFICPA United States Army Forces in Central Pacific Area
USAFIME United States Army Forces in the Middle East
USAFPOA United States Army Forces, Pacific Ocean Areas
USANIBC United States Army Northern Ireland Base Command
USANIF United States Army Northern Ireland Force
USASOS United States Army Services of Supply
USAT U.S. Army transport
USFET United States Forces in the European Theater
USFIA United States Forces in Australia
USFIP United States Forces in the Philippines
USMNAM U.S. Military North African Mission
USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
UXB Unexploded bomb
VT Proximity fuze
WBS Western Base Section (England)
WD War Department
WDGS War Department General Staff
WPD War plans Division

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Last updated 11 January 2007