Chapter XXVII

1 The description of the fortifications in Manila Bay is based on the following sources: Harbor Defenses Rpt of Opns, pp. 1-16, Exhibits C, K, and M; American Fixed Coast Defenses in the Philippine Islands, Mil Rpts, No. 23, Nov 44, MID WD, p. 30; Lt Col Gwinn V. Porter, AA Defense of Corregidor, (paper prepared for Command and General Staff School, 1946-1947), pp. 1-10; ltr, Admiral Rockwell to Gen Ward, 18 Jan 52, OCMH.

2 Harbor Defenses Rpt of Opns, Exhibit K. The strength of the major units was as follows:

HD Hq Btry
59th CA
60th CA
91st CA
92d CA
1st CA
2d CA
Mine Planter

3 For a detailed account of the measures taken during the last six months of 1941, see Harbor Defenses Rpt of Opns, pp. 10-16, and Exhibit E.

4 The account which follows is based upon the following sources: Harbor Defenses Rpt of Opns pp. 16-79, and Exhibits E through M; The Siege of Corregidor, Mil Rpts on the United Nations, No. 12, 15 Nov 43, MID WD, pp. 37-52; Porter, AA Defense of Corregidor, pp. 10-17; Rockwell, Narrative of Naval Activities in Luzon Area, pp. 8-22, Off of Naval Rcds; Gen Marquat, USAFFE AA Officer, Rpt of Performance of U.S. CA in Manila-Bataan Campaign, copy in OCMH; Gulick, Memoirs of Btry C, 91st CA (PS) ; diaries of Col Bunker, Maj Tisdelle, and Capt Roland G. Ames (including letters to his wife), all in OCMH.
The basic Japanese sources are: 14th Army Opns, I, pp. 13-14, 25, 96, 115, 124-36; 5th Air Gp Opns, passim; Japanese Naval Opns in Phil Invasion, Japanese Studies in WW II, No. 13, pp. 17-18, OCMH.

5 14th Army Opns, I, 25. Presumably this would be some time in January or early February since the defeat of MacArthur's army was to be accomplished forty-five days after the landing.

6 5th Air Gp Opns Order A, No. 171, 5th Air Gp Opns, p. 40.

7 Ltr, Ames to his wife, 30 Dec 41, in Ames, Diary. Captain Ames copied in his diary the letters he wrote to his wife and which he sent out whenever he had the opportunity.

8 Collier, Notebooks, II, 53.

9 Tisdelle, Diary, entry of 29 Dec 41.

10 Gulick, Memoirs of Btry C, 91st CA (PS), p. 40.

11 Ames, Diary, entry of 29 Dec 41.

12 Bunker, Diary, entry of 4 Jan 42.

13 Ames, Diary, undated "Sidelights," following letter of 6 January 1942 to his wife.

14 Bunker, Diary, entry of 3 Jan 42. Japanese records make no mention of the attacks after 29 December. Information about these attacks is derived entirely from the American sources cited.

15 14th Army Opns, I, 13-14.

16 Ibid., 96.

17 Harbor Defenses Rpt of Opns, p. 37. The claims made by the volunteers were accepted by General Moore and have been used by the author in the absence of any evidence to the contrary.

18 14th Army Opns, I, 115.

19 Bunker, Diary, entry of 19 Feb 42.

20 Harbor Defenses Rpt of Opns, p. 38.

21 Bunker, Diary, entry of 15 Mar 42.

22 Maj Joe C. East, March 21st Fort Frank Shelling, a 2-page typescript in OCMH.

23 Bunker, Diary, entry of 15 Mar 42.

24 Ibid., entry of 15 Feb 42. The italics are Colonel Bunker's.

25 Ind, Bataan: The Judgment Seat, pp. 288-92.

26 Bunker, Diary, entry of 21 Mar 42.

27 Ibid., entry of 5 Mar 42.

28 Ibid., entry of 25 Mar 42.

29 Ames, Diary, note to ltr of 24 Jan 42.

30 Harbor Defenses Rpt of Opns, Exhibit E, p. 4.

31 Bunker, Diary, entry of 9 Jan 42. Captain Ames also mentioned the shipment of dried fruit in his diary on 6 January.

32 Ames, Diary, 6 Jan 42.

33 This story was picked up from several participants and cannot be supported by direct references to sources or interviews.

34 Ltr, Ames to his wife, 12 Jan 42, in Ames, Diary.

35 Amea Willoughby, I Was on Corregidor, pp. 103-04, 134-40.

36 Ltr, Ames to his wife, 12 Jan 42, in Ames, Diary.

37 Ibid., 6 Feb 42. See also Hanson Baldwin, "The Fourth Marines at Corregidor," Part 2, Marine Corps Gazette (December 1946), pp. 27-28.

38 This account of Japanese air plans and opera tions is based upon 5th Gp Opns, pp. 59-76; 14th Army Opns, I, 129-36; Comments of Former Japanese Officers Regarding The Fall of the Philippines, p. 74, OCMH.

39 5th Air Gp Opns, p. 60.

40 Ibid., p. 65.

41 Tisdelle, Diary, entry of 3 Jan 42.

42 Harbor Defenses Rpt of Opns, pp. 46-47.

43 Ames, Diary, entry of 26 Mar 42, and ltr to his wife, 8 Jan 42.

44 Wainwright, General Wainwright's Story, p. 74.

45 Ames, Diary, entry of 24 Mar 42.

46 Ltr, Ames to his wife, 20 Jan 42, Ames, Diary.

47 Bunker, Diary, entry of 20 Mar 42. This scheme and the efforts to put it into effect were neither supported nor indorsed by Colonel Chase, the antiaircraft commander, who regarded the entire project as, "to say the least, fantastic." Chase, Comments on Draft MS, pp. 23-24, OCMH.

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