Page 417


Abe, General Nobuyuki: 18

Acheson, Dean G. See also State, Department of.

  air-naval commitment proposed by: 73

  and air operations: 242, 247, 249-50, 286

  and armistice proposals: 278, 390-91

  Attlee, conference with: 291-92

  and Chinese border, inviolability of: 249-50, 255, 268

  and Chinese intervention: 286

  and Communists, negotiating with: 268

  and continental China, operations against: 329-30

  and financial aid to Korea: 30

  on intelligence failure: 62

  and Korea as strategic area: 51-52, 68

  and limited offensives: 402

  on MacArthur relief: 365n, 374-75

  and materiel supply to ROKA: 68-69

  and Nationalist China, use of troops: 116

  and North Korea, operations in: 255, 275

  on objectives in Korea: 352

  and political settlement proposals: 359

  and Soviet intervention: 286, 352

  on 38th Parallel, advance across: 351-52

  and U.N. troops, requisitions for: 227-28, 238, 356

  and unification as objective: 350

  and U.S. troops, deployment and withdrawal: 79n

Active Reserves. See Army Reserve; Reserve components.

Advance Command and Liaison Group (ADCOM)

  departure from ROK: 86

  mission: 71-72

  USAFIK, proposed merger with: 86

  as USAFIK staff: 81-82

Adviser groups. See Military Advisory Group to ROK (KMAG); Military 

  missions; Provisional Military Advisory Group to ROK (PMAG).

Advisers, Truman reliance on: 177-79

Aggression, U.S. attitude toward: 292

Air Force, Department of the See United States Air Force; Vandenberg,  

  General Hoyt S.

Air Force, Thirteenth: 49. See also Turner, Maj. Gen. Howard M. (USAF). Air operations: 69-70, 73-74, 77, 80. See also Strategic air operations; 

  Tactical air operations, control of: 109-11

  FEAF, control by: 108-09

  proposed: 242, 247, 249-50, 286

Air operations, enemy: 76-77

Airborne Divisions 11th: 44, 93-94, 108, 168-71, 230, 294

  82d: 44, 90, 93, 118, 132, 153, 169-71, 230, 294 

Airborne operations

  at Inch'on, plans for: 152

  plans for: 169-70, 215-16

  World War II experience: 168

Airborne Regimental Combat Team, 187th: 93-94, 108, 119, 142, 169-71,  

  196, 215-16

Airborne units

  requisitions for: 168-71

  training program: 169-70


  B-29 bombers: 109-10, 241-44

  C-47 cargo (transport): 341

  C-119 cargo (transport): 168, 170

  losses: 247

  ROKA strength: 40

  shortage of: 109

  transports, shortage of: 88

Aircraft, enemy

  IL fighters: 39

  losses: 247

  MIG fighters: 247

  strength: 39

  YAK fighters: 39, 74


  construction and repair: 261, 341

  defense of: 300

  enemy demolition of: 195

Airlift operations

  ammunition supply by: 229

  control of: 108-09

  plans for: 157

  to Pusan: 80-81

  of supplies: 195, 235, 257-58, 301, 341-42

  of troops: 87-88, 127-29, 215-16

ALABAMA line: 379-80

Alaskan Command: 43, 45

Allen, Maj. Gen. Leven C.: 202, 205, 235, 306-07

Almond Lt. Gen. Edward M. See also Corps, X.

  and air operations, control of: 109-10

  and airborne units, deployment of: 169

  as chief of staff, GHQ, FEC: 49

  and Chinese border, inviolability of: 264-65

  and Chinese intervention: 236, 259

  Church, directive to: 80-81

  Collins, conference with: 283

  and corps organization: 159

  and credit for X Corps, oversight in: 186

  dual role of: 158

  estimates of situation by: 111-12

  and GHQ Reserve, headquarters for: 155-58

  at Hungnam: 301 

Page 418


Almond, Lt. Gen. Edward M.-Continued

  at Inch'on: 141, 148-49, 158-59, 172, 190, 196

  MacArthur, conference with: 188-89

  and Marine Corps units, employment of: 160, 164-65

  and materiel losses and destruction: 301-04

  North Korea, operations in: 233, 236, 245, 257, 259-66, 271-73, 274, 


  and power plants, preservation of: 264-65

  at Pusan: 125, 301

  replacements, requisitions for: 129

  and Seoul, recovery of: 184-85

  supply system and operations: 259, 297

  at Tokyo conference: 278-82

  training program: 159

  troop units needed, estimates of: 107-08

  U.N.-ROK ground troops, control of: 215-18

  Walker, conference with: 125

  in withdrawal operations: 301-06

  at Wonsan: 188-90, 195-96, 202, 205-10, 212, 216-19, 232

Ambush operations, enemy: 235

American Mission in Korea (AMIK): 34


  deficiencies and shortages in: 84, 202

  estimate of requirements: 45-47

  requisitions for: 229-30

  supply of: 46, 59, 229-30, 236, 257

  supply by airlift: 229

  supply to ROKA: 35, 66

Amnesty proclamation, plans for: 180

Amphibious Group One, USN: 147, 172

Amphibious operations, enemy: 61, 65

Amphibious operations and training: 55, 57, 85-86, 134-35, 137-40, 141n, 

  156, 160-63, 168, 177, 187-91, 195-96, 205-10, 336, 397

Amphibious Tank and Tractor Battalion, 56th: 171-72

Antiaircraft artillery, stocks on hand: 46

Antiaircraft artillery battalions: 94

Antiaircraft Artillery Group, 9th: 54

Antiaircraft artillery units, requisitions for: 93, 166

Antiaircraft defense, enemy: 246-47

Antitank defense

  deficiencies in: 84

  NKA strength: 39

An-tung: 179, 200, 230, 241-42, 245-46

Argentina: 356

Armed Forces Organization Act, ROK: 34

Armistice proposals: 183, 197, 28344, 287-93, 331-33, 358-59, 384-85,   

  390-92, 396, 399-405. See also Political settlement proposals.

Armor units. See Tank units.

Armored Cavalry Regiment, 3d: 44-45, 118

Armored Divisions

  2d: 44, 90-92. 230, 294

  50th: 124

Armored Field Artillery Battalion, 6th: 91

Armored fighting vehicles. See Tanks.

Army, Department of the. See also Pace, Frank, Jr.: United States Army; 

    War Department.

  coordination of plans with: 152-53

  MacArthur, directives to: 102

Army area organization: 42n

Army Field Forces: 42. See also Clark, General Mark W.

Army Policy Council: 123, 131, 221-22, 234

Army Reserve. See also Reserve components.

  Army expansion, role in: 120-22

  call-up of: 88, 120-21, 122

  troop units, strength: 121

Arnold, Maj. Gen. Archibald V.: 17

Artillery. See Antiaircraft artillery; Field artillery.

Artillery fire support: 81, 84, 96-97, 109, 303, 338

Artillery losses: 111. See also Materiel, losses and destruction.

Ascom City: 206-07

Asiatic troops, proposal for commitment: 193-94

Atomic bomb, potential use: 283-84, 288, 289-90, 320n

Attlee, Clement R. See also United Kingdom.

  Acheson, conference with: 291-92

  and armistice proposals: 292-93

  and atomic bomb, potential use: 289-90

  and Communist China, concessions to: 292-93

  and Communist China, U.N. seating: 292-93

  expansion of conflict, concern over: 289-90, 292, 321

  Marshall, conference with: 291-92

  Truman, conference with: 288-93

Attrition tactics: 333-34, 361-64, 382, 396, 397 


Austin, Warren R.: 73, 333, 369-71


  and Chinese intervention: 266

  military assistance from: 115

  troop units, deployment of: 225, 227, 356-57

Baillie, Hugh: 284

Baird, Col. John E.: 36

Bank of Chosen: 5

Barr, Maj. Gen. David G.: 265

Beach conditions, effect on operations: 140-41, 146-47

Beiderlinden, Maj. Gen. William A.: 88, 128-30, 238

Beightler, Maj. Gen. Robert S.: 49

Belgium and Belgian troops: 225, 227

Benninghoff, H. Merrell: 17-18

Bevin, Ernest: 200n, 251n, t60-61. See also United Kingdom.

BLUEHEARTS: 139-40, 168

Bolling, Maj. Gen. Alexander R.: 63-64

Bolte, Maj. Gen. Charles L: 132, 152, 257

  and airborne units, deployment of: 169

  and Army expansion planning: 118

  and Chinese border, inviolability of: 266-68

Page 419

Bolte, Maj. Gen. Charles L.-Continued

  and Chinese intervention: 298

  and emergency declaration: 298

  and Far East, security of: 75-76

  and General Reserve, levies on: 91, 93

  MacArthur, conferences with: 223-25, 237

  and Marine Corps units, employment of: 161-62

  and National Guard, levies on: 123-25

  and North Korea, operations in: 181-82

  and replacements, requisitions for: 22-24, 228-29, 237, 271, 294, 298

  ROKA equipment, view on: 35

  and Soviet intervention: 75-76, 298

  and supply system and operations: 258

  and U.N. troops, employment of: 224-27

  Walker, conference with: 237

  and withdrawal operations: 298

Bombardment, aerial. See Air operations; Strategic air operations; 

  Tactical air operations.

Bonesteel, Col. Charles H.: 9-10

Bradley, General of the Army Omar N.: 285, 327.

  See also Joint Chiefs of Staff.

  and air-naval commitment: 70

  and Chinese intervention: 234, 254-55, 275, 286

  and EUCOM, deployment of troops to: 223, 286

  and Formosa, security of: 370

  and MacArthur, relief of: 365n, 374-75

  and North Korea, operations in: 255

  and occupation troops, withdrawal of: 50

  and ROKA, expansion and training: 394

  and Soviet intervention: 69

  and strategic air operations: 244, 286

  at Wake Island conference: 211-14

Brazil: 356-57

Brewster, Owen: 365n


  demolition of: 195, 241-47, 258, 303-04, 372

  enemy construction and repair: 246

  shortages of equipment: 159n

Bridges, Styles: 365n

British Army troops. See United Kingdom.

  British Commonwealth. See commonwealth by name; United Kingdom.

Brooks, Lt. Gen. Edward H.: 118, 238

Bureau of the Budget: 46

Burke, Rear Adm. Arleigh A.: 312

Burma: 266, 333

Byrnes, James F.: 10

Cain, Harry P.: 365n

Cairo Declaration on Korea: 6, 349

Camouflage operations, enemy: 275

Camp Drake: 88n, 130

Canada: 115, 225, 227, 356-57

Career Guidance Program: 55-56

Caribbean Command: 43, 45


  civilian: 405

  Communist China: 389-91, 405

  Communist-inflicted: 37-38

  Eighth Army: 127-28, 297

  FEC estimates: 88

  guerrillas, enemy: 38

  at Inch'on: 173, 247

  North Korean Army: 405

  as percentage of strength: 87n

  Republic of Korea Army: 235, 405

  United Nations Command: 238, 405

  US. Army: 127-28, 297, 405

  X Corps: 297

Cates, General Clifton P. (USMC): 261

Cavalry Division, 1st: 54

  amphibious operations, plans for: 85-86, 139

  combat effectiveness: 80n

  deployment to combat: 86, 112-13, 140-41

  Koreans attached to: 168

  North Korea, operations in: 235

  at P'yongyang: 204-05

Cavalry Regiments. See also Armored Cavalry Regiment, 3d.

    7th: 55, 177

    8th: 235, 257

Cease-fire. See Armistice proposals; Political settlement proposals.

Cease-fire line. See Demilitarized zone (DMZ).

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA): 65, 199

Chae Byong Duk, General (ROKA): 72, 74

Chang, John M.: 313

Changjin Reservoir area: 216n, 236, 252-53, 259-66, 279-80, 297, 301

Chech'on: 340

Cheju do: 38, 313, 324-25

Chemical units, requisition for: 98

Chiang Kai-shek: 368. See also China, Nationalist.

  and Formosa, security of: 368-69

  MacArthur, conference with: 368

  Struble, conference with: 368

  troop units, offer of: 116, 283-84, 295

Chief of Naval Operations. See Sherman, Admiral Forrest P.

Chief of Staff, US. Air Force. See Vandenberg, General Hoyt S.

Chief of Staff, US. Army. See Collins, General J. Lawton.

Chief of Transportation: 91

Chiles, John H.: 65n, 266

China, Communist. See also Chou En-lai; Mao Tse-tung.

    4th Field Army: 233

    124th Division: 236, 260-61

    126th Division: 236

    aggressor, named by UN.: 332-33

    air reconnaissance of: 328

    air violations by USAF: 247

    armistice, terms rejected by: 331-32

Page 420

China, Communist-Continued

  assets frozen: 318

  atomic bomb, attitude toward: 289n

  blockade of proposed: 102, 283-84, 289, 291-92, 315, 318, 321, 328-29, 

    339, 393

  border, inviolability of: 188-89, 196-202, 212-14, 235-36, 240-41, 

    248-56, 264-71, 277, 283-84, 372, 380, 382, 384-85

  casualties: 389-91, 405

  combat effectiveness: 83, 84-85, 105-06, 238, 277, 327, 358, 398

  concessions to, proposed: 292-93

  disclaimer for military actions: 317

  economic sanctions against, proposed: 318, 328

  Formosa, threat to: 197, 366-69

  industry, proposed destruction of: 315

  intervention by: 85, 178-90, 196-202, 212-14, 222, 239-42, 250-57, 

    259, 266-67, 271, 274-78, 285-89, 298-99, 308-12, 318, 322, 327-30, 

    333, 372

  materiel losses: 390

  military power status: 405-06

  morale: 390

  naval operations against, proposed: 320-21, 329

  North Korea, pledges support to: 197, 233, 240-41

  offensives by: 379-80, 387-90, 398-99, 403

  operations against, proposed: 291, 315-18, 319-25, 328-30, 332, 339, 

    351, 369, 373, 380, 384, 386, 392-93, 396

  prisoner of war losses: 233, 236, 390

  propaganda campaigns: 289n

  rations, shortages of: 390

  recognition of, proposed: 292, 332-33

  Soviet Union, relations with: 197, 201, 317, 320

  strategic air operations against, proposed: 283-84, 289, 292, 320

  tank operations by: 236

  territorial violation charged to U.S.: 197

  troop movements, reports on: 179, 198-200, 233-34, 238-41, 259, 263, 

    273, 276-77

  troop units, deployment to North Korea: 179, 222n, 233-34

  troop units, strength in Korea: 241, 244-45, 259n, 380, 384-85, 387, 


  U N., proposals for admission to: 197, 290-93, 331

  withdrawal operations: 389-90

China, invasion of and influence on Korea: 2-3

China, Nationalist. See also Chiang Kai-shek; Formosa.

  and Cairo Declaration on Korea: 6

  combat effectiveness: 320

  intelligence reports from: 199, 276

  logistical support of: 328-29

  military assistance, offer of: 116

  troop units, employment proposed: 116-17, 295-96, 307, 315-17, 319-21, 

    329, 339, 393

  troop units, strength: 320

  trusteeship, agreement on: 13, 26

  weapons, deficiencies in: 320

Chinnamp'o: 140, 141n, 187, 236, 258

Chip'yong-ni: 339-40

Choch'iwon: 82

Ch'ongch'on River: 234-35, 258

Ch'ongjin: 7-8, 266, 269

Ch'ongju: 86, 216

Chongsanjangsi: 216

Ch'ongsongjin: 246

Chonui: 82

Ch'orwon: 206, 364, 389, 401-02

Ch'osan: 234-35, 270

Chosin Reservoir: 263n. See also Changjin Reservoir area.

Chou En-lai: 197-98, 199-201, 234, 251n. See also, China, Communist.



Chumunjin: 141n

Ch'unch'on: 10, 61, 65, 70-71, 354, 387-89

Ch'ungju: 86, 112, 188-89, 195-96

Chungking, as seat of Korean provisional government: 5

Church, Maj. Gen. John H.: 74

  as adviser to ROKA: 80-81

  Almond, directive from: 80-81

  defensive measures by: 72

  enemy effectiveness, report on: 83

  heads GHQ Advance Command: 71-72

  MacArthur, briefed by: 74

Churchill, Winston S.: 7, 288

Civil affairs. See also Occupation.

  conduct of: 25, 221

  transfer from military: 25

Clark, General Mark W.: 134

  and Army expansion goals: 118

  on combat readiness of 2d Division: 94

  and National Guard, levies on: 124-25

Clarke, Brig. Gen. Carter W.: 137

Climate: 2. See also Weather, effect on operations.

Close air support. See Tactical air operations.

Coast Guard, ROK: 34

Collective security

  arrangements for: 41

  need for expressed: 333

Collins, General J. Lawton

  and AAA units, deployment of: 93

  and airborne units, deployment of: 169-71

  Almond, conference with: 283

  and Army troops to halt invasion: 69

  and Chinese border, inviolability of: 268-70

  and Chinese intervention: 234

  and combat effectiveness, enemy: 327

  and combat effectiveness, U.S.: 56-57, 292

  and emergency declaration: 299

  estimates of situation by: 327

  and FEC troop unit strength: 53

  functions and chain of authority: 42

Page 421

Collins, General J. Lawton-Continued 

  and General Reserve levies on: 91-93, 183-34, 343 421

  and Inch'on operation: 140-41, 142, 149-51

  as JCS representative in Korea: 101-02

  Joy, conference with: 283-84

  and Kunsan operation: 176-77

  limited offensives, directive on: 401

  MacArthur, conferences with: 78-79, 105-08, 140n, 149-51, 160, 169,   

    171, 282-84, 325-29, 368, 373

  on MacArthur relief: 365n, 375-76

  on MacArthur violation of directives: 218n, 339n

  and Marine Corps units, employment of: 160

  on morale: 326

  on morale status, enemy: 327

  and National Guard, levies on: 122-25, 130, 325-26, 345

  and North Korea, operations in: 269-70, 282-85

  on press correspondents, statements to: 326

  and replacements, requisitions for: 91-92, 108, 130-33, 228, 239, 294-

    95, 310-11, 313, 325-26, 343-44

  Ridgway, directives to: 383, 385

  and ROKA, combat effectiveness: 326

  and ROKA, expansion, equipping, and training: 394

  and ROKA, withdrawal of: 313

  and security of troop movements: 133

  and service units, reduction in: 343-44

  and Soviet intervention: 269-70

  Stratemeyer, conference with: 283-84

  and supply system and operations, enemy: 327

  and survey mission, proposal for: 69

  tactical air operations, concept of: 110

  Truman, conference with: 79

  and U.N. troops, deployment of: 224-28

  visits to combat areas: 108, 137, 282-84, 313, 326-27

  Walker, conferences with: 137, 282-83

Command and staff: 48, 208, 243n

Commerce, Department of: 318


  Acheson on negotiating with: 268

  Japanese occupation, activity during: 5-6

  North Korea, domination by: 24-25

  ROK, activities in: 19-20

  U.S. policy on containing: 67n, 100


  approval of not sought by Truman, 73

  Army expansion, approval of: 120n

  Army Reserve, recall authorized: 122

  MacArthur, hearings on relief: 365n, 392

Congressional committees: 365

Constabulary. See National police, ROK, plans for.

Construction machinery, stocks on hand: 46


  staffs, plans for organizing: 134-36, 155, 158-59

  I. See also Coulter, Lt. Gen. John B.; Milburn, Lt. Gen. Frank W.

    activated: 134-35, 155, 202

    deployment to combat: 135-36, 155

    at KANSAS-WYOMING lines: 379-80

    North Korea, operations in: 234-35, 257, 274, 363

    at P'yongyang: 204, 206

    in THUNDERBOLT: 333-34

  V: 134-35


    activated: 134-35

    deployment to combat: 135-36

    at KANSAS-WYOMING lines: 379-80, 389

    in KILLER: 340

    North Korea, operations in: 363-64

  X. See also Almond, Lt. Gen. Edward M.

    activated: 158-59

    casualties: 297

    as element of Eighth Army: 189-90, 300-301, 307

    Han River, operations around: 336-37, 339-40

    in Inch'on operations: 151-52, 154, 172, 174-77

    at KANSAS-WYOMING lines: 380

    in KILLER: 340

    link-up with Eighth Army: 177, 185

    materiel losses and destruction: 297

    morale status: 186

    North Korea, drive on: 206-10

    North Korea, operations in: 363-64

    in occupation duty: 222

    supply system and operations: 158

    in THUNDERBOLT: 333-34

    troop units and strength: 171-72

    withdrawal from North Korea: 290-91, 300-306

    in Wonsan operations: 187-90

  XI: 274

  XXIV: 13, 16, 25. See also Hodge, Lt. Gen. John R.

Correspondents, war. See Press correspondents.

Coulter, Lt. Gen. John B.: 27, 135, 155


Dairen: 10-11, 318

Dams. See Power plants; also by name.


Dean, Maj. Gen. William F.: 108

  ADCOM, proposes merger with USAFIK: 86

  attempts to halt NKA: 82

  captured: 112-13

  on combat effectiveness, enemy: 83-84

  commands 24th Division: 81

  commands USAFIK: 81-82

  on divisions, expansion of: 89

Page 422

Dean, Maj. Gen. William F.-Continued

  MacArthur, commended by: 106

  troop units needed, estimate of: 104

Defense, Department of. See also Johnson, Louis A.; Marshall, General of 

    the Army George C.

  and Chinese border, inviolability of: 267-69

  and Formosa, security of: 366-67

  military assistance, role in: 117

  and national policy, statements on: 373

  and North Korea, operations in: 193

  on objectives in Korea: 349-50

  and political settlement proposals: 357-59

  and 38th Parallel, advance across: 354

Demilitarized zone (DMZ)

  establishment: 290-91, 384, 399-402, 404-05

  proposals for: 290

Democratic People's Republic of Korea. See North Korea.

Discipline. See Morale.

Divisions, number in U.S. Army: 53 See also by type.

Doyle, Rear Adm. James  H.:  140-41,  147-50,  172.  

  See also Amphibious Group One, USN; Task Force 90, USN.

  and Inch'on operations: 172

  MacArthur, conference with: 149

  Marine Corps units, employment of: 164, 165n

  and Wonsan operations: 209, 217-19

Duff, Maj. Gen. Robinson E.: 237

Dulles, John Foster: 40

Dunkerque, contrast with Hungnam: 302

Dunn, James: 10

Eberle, Maj. Gen. George L.: 189

Economic sanctions, proposed against Communist China: 318, 328

Eden, Anthony: 288

Egypt: 101

Eighth Army. See also Ridgway, General Matthew B.: Van Fleet, General 

    James A.; Walker, General Walton H.

  armor operations: 175

  casualties: 127-28, 297

  combat effectiveness: 176, 345, 349

  as combat, logistical, and ZI unit: 86, 207-08

  deployment to combat: 112

  engineer equipment shortages: 175-76

  link-up with X Corps: 177, 185

  materiel losses and destruction: 297

  materiel shortages: 175

  morale: 137, 145, 281-82

  North Korea, drive on: 183-84, 187-90 195-96

  North Korea, operations in: 202-14, 215, 234-36, 245, 257-60, 262, 

    266, 271-73, 274-75, 278-83

  in Pusan Perimeter: 113-14, 125-27, 131-32, 137-38, 144-46, 148, 151-

    54, 155, 162-64, 165n, 174-77

  replacement problems: 127-34

  replacement system: 88n, 129

  replacements, number received: 127-29

  supply system and operations: 398

  X Corps as element: 189-90, 300-301, 307

  troop unit strength: 52, 54, 342-44

  U.S. nationals, evacuation by: 71

  withdrawal planned: 222

Eighth Army Rear: 86

Eighth US. Army in Korea (EUSAK): 86

Eisenhower, General of the Army Dwight D.: 316n

Elections: 26, 40, 180, 219-20, 269, 331

Emergency declaration, U.S.: 298-300

Engineer Combat Battalion, 19th: 171-72

Engineer equipment, shortages in: 175-76

Engineer Special Brigade, 2d: 94

Engineer units, employment of: 93, 98, 166, 191, 230, 341-42

England. See United Kingdom.

Enlisted Reserve Corps. See Army Reserve.

Equipment. See Material.

Escalation of conflict. See Expansion  of  conflict, concern over.

Estimates of situation

  by Almond: 111-12

  by Collins: 327

  by MacArthur: 105-08, 112-14, 145-46, 148, 150, 212-14, 216, 223, 240-

    41, 244-45, 274-75, 278-80, 282-84, 307, 315, 327, 338-39, 348

  by Ridgway: 105, 131, 355-56, 379-82, 388-89, 398

  by Van Fleet: 398

Europe as chief US. interest: 41

European Command (EUCOM)

  deployment of troops to: 223, 286

  security of: 212, 223, 316, 319, 372

  troop unit strength: 43, 45

Evacuation, strategic and tactical. See Withdrawal operations.

Expansion of conflict, concern over: 242, 244-45, 247, 254, 289-90, 292,  

    317-18, 320-21, 324, 332, 381

Far East, U.N. conference on problems: 331

Far East Air Forces (FEAF)

  air operations, control of: 108-09

  aircraft, shortages of: 109

  Bomber Command activated: 109

  Combat Cargo Command: 258

  frontier violations by: 200-201

  GHQ, relations with: 47-48

  strategic air operations. See main entry.

  training program: 55

  troop strength: 52-53, 196

  U.S. nationals, evacuation by: 71

Far East Command (FEC). See also General Headquarters, FEC; MacArthur, 

    General of the Army Douglas.

  Advance Command and Liaison Group: 70-72

Page 423

Far East Command (FEC)-Continued

  airlifts, training in: 57

  airlifts to Korea: 80

  ammunition stocks: 59

  amphibious training: 57

  armor unit shortages: 89

  Career Guidance Program, effect of: 55-56

  casualties, estimates of: 88

  casualties, as percentage of strength: 87n

  combat effectiveness: 54, 56-60, 80n

  combat-ready units, requisitions for: 92-99

  combat-to-service troops, ratio: 54

  command and staff structure: 48

  divisions, expansion of: 88-92

  equipment. See Material, below.

  field artillery unit expansion: 90-92

  field artillery unit shortages: 89

  geographic limits: 46-47

  GHQ as top headquarters, 47

  infantry unit expansion: 52-54

  infantry unit shortages: 89

  integration of services: 55

  intelligence reports from: 62-64

  Japan, industry as aid to: 58-59

  Japanese employed by: 54, 58, 97

  JCS, defense mission from: 50-52

  maintenance and repair programs: 59

  materiel, reclamation and supply: 58-60

  mission of: 54-55

  mortars, reclamation and supply: 59

  motor vehicles, reclamation and supply: 59

  noncommissioned officer shortages: 89

  order of battle: 54

  POL stocks: 59

  ration stocks: 59

  recoilless rifles, reclamation and supply: 59

  reorganized: 136-38

  replacements, requisitions for: 53, 56, 87-89, 98-99, 239, 343

  SCAP, relations with: 48

  service units, strength: 342

  staff doubles for UNC: 103

  strategic plans: 49-52

  subordinate commands: 49

  supply status: 58-60

  survey mission to ROK. See Advance Command and Liaison GROUP (ADCOM).

  tanks, reclamation and supply: 59

  Tokyo as headquarters: 49

  training program: 54-58

  troop units, quality: 55-57

  troop units, strength: 43-45, 52-54, 230

  troops units, structure: 49, 53-54

  troop units, turnover: 54-55

  as unified command: 43, 48n

  USAF and USN without staff representation: 108

  weapons, reclamation and supply: 54-60

  weapons shortages: 54, 106

Field artillery

  stocks on hand: 46

  transfer to ROKA: 35

Field artillery, enemy: 39

Field Artillery Battalions. See also Armored Field Artillery Battalion, 


  92d: 171

  96th: 171

  159th: 89n

Field Artillery GROUP, 5th: 97

Field artillery units

  expansion in FEC: 90-92

  requisitions for: 96-97, 136, 230

  ROKA strength: 40

  shortages in FEC: 89

Fighter aircraft support, enemy: 90-92

Financial assistance to ROK: 30

Finletter, Thomas K.: 42n, 242, 352-53

Flanders, Ralph E.: 365n

Fleet Marine Force, Atlantic: 159-60, 163

Fleet Marine Force, Pacific: 150, 155-56, 159-61

Flying Fish Channel: 147

Food. See Rations.

Foreign ministers, meeting of: 21-22, 26

Formosa: 199, 289-93, 295, 319, 331. See also China, Nationalist.

  aircraft ordered to: 69

  Communist China threat to: 197, 367-69

  security of: 68, 367-71

  Soviet view on: 371

  as strategic area: 68

  U.N. attitude toward: 369-71

Formosa Strait: 369

Forrestal, James V.: 10

Foster, William C.: 40

France. See also Pleven, René.

  and Chinese border, inviolability of: 248-49

  combat operations: 340

  expansion of conflict, concern over: 332

  troop units, deployment of: 225, 227

  U.N., introduces resolution in: 101

  U.S., relations with: 331

Fusen Reservoir: 263n

Gaither, Brig. Gen. Ridgely: 230

Gardner, Admiral Matthias B.: 10

Garvin, Brig. Gen. Crump: 81-82

Gay, Maj. Gen. Hobart R.: 139-40

General Classification Test: 56

General Headquarters, FEC. See also Far East Command.

  FEAF, relations with: 47-48

  as FEC top headquarters: 47

  NavFFE, relations with: 47-48

  staff agencies, replacements in: 129-30

  staff structure: 47n, 49

  USAF-USN, relations with: 47

General Headquarters Reserve: 155-58

Page 424

General Headquarters Target Group: 110

General Order No. 1: 10-11

General Reserve

  field artillery unit strength: 96-97

  importance of maintaining: 108

  infantry unit strength: 90

  JCS reluctance to levy on: 79, 87, 99

  levies on: 88-94, 104, 118-20, 132-34, 153, 230, 343

  troop units and strength: 44-45, 118

Geneva Conventions: 381

Geographical area, Korea: 1-2

Great Britain. See United Kingdom.

Greece, troop units: 225, 227, 356

Gross, Ernest A.: 66

Gruenther, Lt. Gen. Alfred M.: 132n, 181, 298

Guerrilla operations: 329

Guerrilla operations, enemy: 38, 64, 191n, 205, 222, 263-64

Gunfire Support Group, USN: 172

Haanmi-ri: 340

Haeju: 140

Hagaru-ri: 261, 265

Haislip, General Wade H.

  and airborne units, deployment of: 170

  and Chinese intervention: 298

  and corps staffs, expansion of: 135

  and replacements, requisitions for: 294

Hamhung: 188-89, 191, 195-96, 205-06, 216, 236, 263, 279-80, 283, 290, 

  297, 301, 303-04

Han River: 72, 83, 106, 139, 141, 159n, 169, 309-10, 327, 333-40, 361, 

  363, 389, 401-02

Hapsu: 266

Harriman, W. Averell: 306

  MacArthur, conferences with: 145-46, 167, 369-70

  on MacArthur relief: 374-75

  and North Korea, operations in: 288

  at Wake Island conference: 212

Headquarters and Service Group, GHQ: 49

Hickenlooper, Bourke B.: 365n

Hickey, Maj. Gen. Doyle O.: 202, 205, 307

  and airlift, supply by: 341-42

  and Chinese intervention: 235

  as deputy chief of staff, GHQ: 49, 110, 189

  FEC and UNC, temporary commander: 377

  and GHQ Reserve, headquarters for: 157

  and ROKA, withdrawal of: 313

  at Tokyo conference: 278-82

  Walker, conferences with: 127, 129, 145, 177

Hideyoshi: 3

Hodge, Lt. Gen. John R.: 20-21, 23

  advisers assigned by: 33

  constabulary, arming and organizing: 32-33

  Japanese surrender carried out by: 13

  martial law declared by: 25

  on Moscow decision: 25

  occupation directives to: 18, 25

  on provisional government, return of: 14-16

  relief asked by: 26-27

  and ROKA, organizing and training: 32-33

  and Soviet propaganda campaign: 22, 25

  USAFIK commanded by: 13

  withdrawal proposed by: 52

Hoengsong: 334-35, 340

Hoeryong: 246

Hokkaido: 11

Hong Kong: 199, 240, 318, 321

Hongch'on: 354, 389

Hopkins, Harry: 7, 13

Huch'ang: 261n

Hungnam: 11, 188, 190-91, 195-96, 205-06, 259, 263-64

  port operations: 301

  withdrawal to and from: 279-81, 301-04, 311-12

Hwach'on: 304, 364, 379-80

Hwach'on Reservoir area: 389, 396, 397

Hydroelectric plants. See Power plants.

Hyesanjin: 236, 246, 265, 269

Hyonch'on-ni: 340

Ich'on: 333-34

Imjin River: 304, 309, 363

Inactive Reserves. See Army Reserve.

Inch'on (CHROMITE): 67, 69-70, 139-54, 157-59, 161-62, 164, 168, 170-90, 

    196, 202, 308-09, 336, 386

  air operations at: 146, 151-52

  airdrop, plans for: 152

  alternate landing sites planned: 141n, 148-50, 176-77

  assault phase: 139-46, 171-77, 196, 397

  casualties: 173

  casualties, enemy: 173

  command and staff structure: 147n, 152, 155-59, 172

  DA, coordination of plans with: 152-53

  intelligence estimates on: 174-75

  link-up with Eighth Army: 177

  logistical system for: 172

  materiel supplies at: 173-74

  mine clearance: 208

  motor vehicles at: 173-74

  naval support: 172

  Navy-Marine Corps objections: 146-50

  NKA threat to: 71

  occupation troops land: 16

  port operations: 189-91, 196, 202, 207-08, 258, 300

  supply operations: 173-74

  surprise, principle applied: 173

  tactical air support: 173

  target date set: 158-59

  tides and beach, hazards in: 140-41, 146-47

  training for: 159

  troop units, direction of: 155-72

  troop units, strength: 173-74, 310

  withdrawal to: 283, 290-91, 300

Page 425

Independence, movements toward: 5-6

India: 101, 198, 333

Indochina: 293

Infantry Divisions

  combat TOE authorized: 88-90

  2d: 44, 119, 212, 297

    combat effectiveness: 94, 108

    deployment to combat: 92-96, 127, 142-44, 165-66

    Han River operations: 340

    Koreans attached to: 168

    North Korea, operations in: 235

    withdrawal planned: 223-24

  3d: 44, 212

    combat effectiveness: 132-34

    deployment to combat: 118n, 131-34, 165, 215

    Hungnam operations: 303-04

    levies on: 90-92

    North Korea, operations in: 236, 279

    occupation duty: 222n, 223-24

    withdrawal planned: 223

  4th: 294

  7th: 54, 129

    combat effectiveness: 80n, 85-86, 90, 107-08, 166-67

    deployment to FEC: 144-45, 165, 171-72

    Inch'on operations: 157-58, 173-77

    Koreans attached to: 167-68

    levies on: 85-86, 165-66

    North Korea, operations in: 236, 259, 264-66, 269, 279-80

    reconstitution for combat: 165-68

    Wonsan operations: 188, 196, 205, 207-08, 216-17, 219

  24th: 54, 85-86. See also Task Force Smith, USA.

    casualties: 108, 111-13

    combat effectiveness: 80n, 127

    deployment to combat: 80-82

    enemy strength faced: 105

    Koreans attached to: 168

    North Korea, operations in: 235

    P'yongyang operations: 204-05

    Taejon, defense of: 112-13

  25th: 54

    combat effectiveness: 80n, 127

    deployment to combat: 85, 112, 141

    Koreans attached to: 168

    troop unit strength: 52

  28th: 124-25, 294

  29th: 124

  31st: 124, 299

  37th: 124

  40th: 124-25, 294, 345, 385

  43d: 124-25, 294

  45th: 124-25, 294, 345, 385

  47th: 299

Infantry Regiments. See also Regimental Combat


  17th: 165, 264-65

  19th: 82, 111

  21st: 82

  23d: 340

  24th: 81, 89n

  29th: 90-91, 108, 166

  32d: 164-66, 177

  34th: 82

  65th: 133, 165, 215

Inje: 304, 379-80


  estimates and reports: 62-64, 101-04, 139-40, 179, 198-202, 204, 208, 

    222, 237, 244-45, 257, 259-60, 263, 272-73, 274-77, 285, 304-05, 

    308, 337-40, 354, 363, 387-89, 403

  failures in: 61-62, 65

  at Inch'on: 174-75

  from Nationalist China: 199, 276

  from U.S. embassy: 62-63

Interim People's Committee: 24

Iwon: 208, 219, 236, 259


  air threat to, enemy: 320

  contract shipping from: 209-10

  contractors, use by FEC: 209-10, 341

  industrial exploitation of Korea: 4-5

  industry as aid to FEC: 58-59

  interest rates to Koreans: 5

  invasion and occupation of Korea: 2-6

  legal discrimination against Koreans: 1

  mine clearance by: 209-10, 217

  National Police Reserve: 131n, 314, 386

  nationals employed by FEC: 54, 58, 97

  occupation policy, MacArthur's: 55

  officials in high Korean posts: 18

  population in Korea: 5

  quick U.S. entry into Korea, appeals for: 16

  rebellions against: 4

  security of: 75-76, 131, 301, 307, 316, 322-23, 325, 344-45, 383-86

  Soviet threat to: 311

  Soviet Union enters war against: 8

  surrender procedure: 8-11, 13, 49-50

  as U.N. sanctuary: 320

Japan Logistical Command: 136-37, 207-08, 222, 229.

  See also Weible, Maj. Gen. Walter L.

Japan Sea: 335, 361

Jessup, Philip C.: 211-12

Jet aircraft support. See Fighter aircraft support, enemy.

Johnson, Louis A. See also Defense, Department of.

  Army expansion, approval of: 119-20

  and Formosa, security of: 366, 367, 369-70

  and Formosa as strategic area: 68

Page 426

Johnson, Louis A.-Continued

  functions and chain of authority: 42

  on ground troops commitment: 79

  resigns as Secretary of Defense: 181

  role in military decisions: 103-04

  Seventh Fleet movement, proposed by: 69n

  and Soviet intervention: 76

  and U.N. military assistance from: 115-17

  and U.S. policy toward Korea: 181

Joint Chiefs of Staff. See also Bradley, General of the Army Omar N.; 

  Collins, General J. Lawton; Sherman, Admiral Forrest P.; Vandenberg,

    General Hoyt S.

  and air reconnaissance of China: 328

  air-naval operations, directives on: 73, 76-77

  airborne units, decision to deploy: 169

  and armistice proposals: 291-92, 384-85, 390-92, 396, 403-05

  and Army expansion: 118-20, 298-99

  and China, blockade of: 318, 321, 328-29

  and Chinese border, inviolability of: 248-49, 252-55, 268, 384-85

  and Chinese intervention: 199-200, 231-32, 234, 236, 240, 250-55, 298, 

    310-12, 327-30

  Collins as Korea representative: 101-02

  composition: 42-43

  constabulary expansion, approved by: 33

  and continental China, operations against: 291, 321-23, 323-30, 384, 


  courses of action considered: 295-96

  and DMZ, establishment of: 384, 399-402

  and economic sanctions against China: 328

  and emergency declaration: 298

  enemy strength, appraisal of: 384-85

  and EUCOM, security of: 223, 319

  and expansion of conflict: 242, 244-45, 247, 254

  FEC, directive to: 50-52

  and Formosa, security of: 368

  functions and chain of authority: 42-43

  and General Reserve, levies on: 79, 87, 99, 119-20

  and guerrilla operations: 329

  guidance on Korea sought by: 7

  and Inch'on, reported opposition to: 184n

  and Inch'on operation: 148-51, 153-54

  and Japan, security of: 301, 307, 345, 384-85

  and Japan, Soviet threat to: 311

  Japanese surrender procedures, role in: 9-10

  KMAG ordered with ROK units: 70

  and Korea as strategic area: 50-52, 253, 310

  limited offensives, directives on: 384-85, 396, 397, 401-02

  MacArthur, commendation of: 185-86

  MacArthur, conferences with: 67, 69, 73, 142-44

  MacArthur, directives to: 67, 69-70, 76-77, 116, 148, 150-51, 153-54, 

    161n, 180-84, 186-87, 194-98, 200, 218, 220, 242-44, 268-69, 278-80,

    282, 310-12, 321-25, 329, 351, 353, 358-60, 371-73

  MacArthur, mission assigned to: 47

  MacArthur, recommended as U.N. commander: 102

  and MacArthur, relief of: 365n, 374-76

  and Marine Corps units, deployment of: 92, 160-63

  and morale: 323-24

  and National Guard, levies on: 122-25, 130, 317, 344-45, 385

  and national policy, clearance of statements on: 285

  and Nationalist China, logistical support of: 328-29

  and Nationalist China, use of troops: 116-17, 295-96, 319, 321, 329

  and naval operations against China: 321, 329

  and North Korea, drive on: 179-84, 191

  and North Korea, operations in: 180, 193-94, 250, 272, 279-82, 285-86, 

    288, 290

  and objectives in Korea: 179-84, 186-87, 323, 325, 332, 349-51, 386-

    87, 391-93

  occupation, directives on: 196

  and occupation troops, withdrawal of: 30

  occupation zones planned by: 8

  planning and decisions, problems in: 103-04

  and political settlement proposals: 357-59, 391-92, 400-401

  prisoners of war, directive on: 186-87

  and power plants, bombardment of: 347-48

  and Rashin, bombardment of: 346-47

  and replacements, requisitions for: 79, 92; 93-94, 99, 119-20, 132-34, 

    224, 310, 328, 384

  Ridgway, directives to: 381-87, 395-96, 401-02

  ROK, policy on U.N. occupation: 180

  and ROK government, support of: 180, 184, 328

  and ROKA, control of troops: 218

  and ROKA, effect of withdrawal on: 323-24

  and ROKA, expansion and training: 392, 396

  and Soviet border, inviolability of: 384-85

  and Soviet intervention: 77, 253, 883, 391-92

  and Soviet use of allies: 104

  and strategic air operations: 242-44, 247, 249, 321, 329, 345

  and supply system and operations, enemy: 384

  surrender ultimatum, directive on: 186-87

  and 38th Parallel, advance across: 353-54, 358, 396

  troop strength, justify cuts in: 52

  and U.K. concern over U.S. policies: 290

  and U.N., military assistance from: 115-17

  U.N. agent for operations: 101-03, 243

  U.N. command chain, opposes committee in: 101

  and U.N. objectives in Korea: 392

  and U.N. troop units, requisitions for: 224-28, 237-38, 344, 356-57, 


  unified commands, control of: 43

  USAFIK, control of: 25

  and Van Fleet, assignment of: 378

Page 427

Joint Chiefs of Staff-Continued

  War Department as executive agent: 25-26

  and withdrawal operations: 180, 223-24, 228-29, 254, 291, 311-12, 321-

    25, 328, 383, 386, 391, 395-96

  and Wonsan operation: 188

  Joint Commission of U.S.-USSR: 21-23, 25-26

  Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC): 105

  Joint Staff Planners: 9-10

  Joint Strategic Plans and Operations Group (JSPOG): 47n, 187, 222, 

    237, 400. See also Wright, Maj. Gen. Edwin K.

  Joint Strategic Survey Committee: 33

  Joint Task Force Seven, USN: 172, 196, 208

  Joy, Vice Adm. C. Turner: 115, 261. See also Naval Forces, Far East 


    and air operations, control of: 109-11

    Collins, conference with: 283-84

    commands NavFFE: 49

    and Hungnam operation: 205-06

    and Inch'on operation: 152, 168, 172

    MacArthur, conferences with: 149-50, 188

    and Marine Corps units, employment of: 164

    Ridgway, directive from: 382

    and Wonsan operation: 196, 209

Kaesong: 10, 38, 65, 188, 191n, 195-9O, 202, 204-05, 308, 404-05

Kangnung: 61, 65

KANSAS line: 363-64, 380, 384, 386, 389, 396-404

Kansong: 379

Kanto Plain: 49

Kapsan: 236

Keathley, MSTS: 66

Killer: 340

Kim Il Sung (NKA)

  and armistice proposals: 404

  heads North Korea government: 24

  surrender demand, rejects: 204

  on U.S. tactics: 114n

Kim Koo: 5, 14, 19. See also Republic of Korea.

Kim Sung Chu. See Kim Il Sung.

Kimball, Dan A.: 352-53

Kimp'o: 67, 69-70, 196

Kimp'o Airfield: 16, 151-52, 173-74, 215, 236

Kimp'o Peninsula: 387-88

Knowland, William F.: 365n

Kobe: 172

Koin-dong: 216

Kojo: 191n, 217-18, 222n

Kongju: 82

Korea. See also North Korea: Republic of Korea.

  Cairo Declaration on: 6, 349

  Chinese invasion and influence: 2-3

  Communist activity during Japanese occupation: 5-6

  domestic conditions, influence of: 1

  Imperial Russian aspirations in: 2-3

  independence, U.S. policy on: 14

  invasion plans, US.: 8

  Japanese invasion and exploitation: 2-6

  Japanese population in: 5

  Japanese surrender procedures: 10-11

  JCS, guidance sought on: 7

  MacArthur relieved of responsibility for: 50

  martial law declared: 25

  national debt, 1910-45: 5

  objectives in: 177, 179-84, 186-87, 255-56, 292-93, 323, 325, 332, 

    349-52, 357-58, 383-84, 386-87, 391-93, 397, 405-06

  occupation, directives, and plans for: 7, 10, 19, 25-26, 180, 219-21

  occupation, JCS directives on: 196

  occupation troops, withdrawal: 30

  occupation zones planned and defined: 8, 11

  political situation, June 1950: 38-40

  provisional government, formation and seats of: 5

  provisional government, U.S.-USSR proposals for: 22

  punitive expeditions against: 3

  Soviet invasion of: 10-11

  Soviet policy on future of: 14, 19, 23-25

  as strategic area: 7, 10, 28-30. 50-52, 62, 68, 75, 178-79, 253, 310

  treaties with U.S.: 3

  troop units, Soviet proposal for withdrawal: 28-29

  U.N. objectives in: 392

  unification, Soviet opposition to: 22-23

  unification as objective: 350

  U.S. policy toward: 20-23, 181

  U.S. relations with: 3-4

  Wedemeyer report on: 28, 37

  withdrawal from proposed: 52

Korean Liaison Office: 62-63

Korean Military Advisory Group. See Military Advisory Group to ROK 


Kosong: 401-02

Kublai Khan: 2-3

Kum River: 86, 111-12, 145, 311

Kumch'on: 204-05

Kumhwa: 206, 401-02

Kumsong: 206

Kumyangjang-ni: 334

Kunsan: 7-8, 141n, 150-51, 176-77

Kunu-ri: 195-96, 216, 235

Landing ship, tank (LST): 146, 172, 206, 208, 217, 219, 258-59

Language barrier, effect of: 18-19

Larkin, Lt. Gen. Thomas B.: 118, 228-29, 297, 307-09 

Latin American troop units, deployment of: 356-57

Leahy, Fleet Admiral William D.: 10

Lemnitzer, Maj. Gen. Lyman L.: 65

Liaotung Peninsula: 10-11

Lie, Trygve: 100-101, 369-71

Page 428

Limited offensives, directives on: 384-85, 396, 397-99, 401-02

Lin-chiang: 246

Lincoln, Brig. Gen. George A.: 9-11

Lines of communication: 191, 207, 258, 263-64

    See also Supply system and operations.

Lines of communication, enemy: 195, 263, 291, 327, 389, 399

Logistical system and operations: 191, 207-08, 221, 228-30, 258-59, 272, 

    280. See also Lines of communication; Supply system and operations.

  at Inch'on: 172

  Nationalist China, support of: 328-29

Logistical system and operations, enemy: 137

Lovett, Robert A.: 237, 242, 356-57, 359

MacArthur, General of the Army Douglas. See also Far East Command (FEC); 

    General Headquarters, FEC; Supreme Commander, Allied Powers


  AAA units, requisitions for: 93, 166

  advice followed in Washington: 83

  air force, ROK, view on activating: 34-35

  and air-naval operations: 77

  air units, requisitions for: 239

  airborne operations, plans for: 169-70, 215-16

  airborne units, requisitions for: 168-71

  and airlift, supply by: 341-42

  Almond, conference with: 188-89

  and ammunition supply: 229-30

  amphibious operations, plans and training for: 134-35, 137-40, 160-63, 

    168, 177, 187-91, 195-96, 205-10

  armament, proposals for: 31-32

  and armistice proposals: 183, 283-84, 358-59

  army, ROK, view on organizing: 33-35

  Army directives from: 102

  and artillery fire support: 338

  artillery units, requisitions for: 230

  assumes control of U.S. forces in ROK: 71

  and atomic bomb, potential use: 288, 320n

  and blockade of China: 291, 315, 318, 339

  Bolte, conferences with: 223-25, 237

  chemical units, requisitions for: 98

  Chiang, conference with: 368

  and Chinese border, inviolability of: 188-89, 196-202, 212-14, 235-36, 

    240-41, 250-56, 266-67, 269-71, 277, 283-84, 372

  and Chinese intervention: 188-89, 196-202, 212-14, 235-36, 240-41, 

    250-56, 266-67, 271, 274-78, 285, 315, 322, 328, 372

  Church briefed by: 74

  Collins, conferences with: 78-79, 105-08, 140n, 149-51, 160, 169, 171, 

    282-84, 325-29, 368, 373

  and combat effectiveness, enemy: 83, 84-85, 105-06, 277, 358

  and combat effectiveness, U.S.: 282, 322-23

  combat-loading asked by: 95

  combat-ready units, requisitions for: 92-99

  command authority: 47-48

  commands FEC: 46-47

  commands USAFFE: 47-48

  and Communist China industry, destruction of: 315

  conflict in command roles: 382-83

  Congressional hearings on relief: 365n, 392

  and continental China, operations against: 315-17, 319-25, 328-29, 

    339, 351, 369, 373

  and corps staffs, plans for: 134-36

  Dean commended by: 106

  departure from Japan: 379

  directives, violation of: 218n, 339n

  and divisions, expansion of: 89-90

  Doyle, conference with: 149

  and emergency declaration: 300

  engineer units, use of: 93, 98, 166, 230, 341

  estimates of situation by: 105-08, 112-14, 145-46, 148, 150, 212-14, 

    216, 223, 240-41, 244-45, 274-75, 278-80, 282-84, 307, 315, 327, 

    338-39, 348

  and EUCOM, security of: 212, 316, 372

  and expansion of conflict: 321

  FEC reorganization: 136-38

  field artillery units, requisitions for: 96-97, 136

  and Formosa, security of: 68, 366-71

  and General Reserve, maintaining: 108

  and GHQ Reserve, headquarters for: 157-58

  GHQ Target Group activated by: 110

  and ground units, deployment of: 78-79, 80

  and guerrilla operations, enemy and friendly: 183, 284, 313-14, 360

  Han River, operations around: 335-36, 338-39

  Harriman, conferences with: 145-46, 167, 369-70

  and Inch'on operation: 139-54, 155, 158-59, 170, 172, 173-89, 336

  intelligence furnished to: 275, 285, 305. See also Willoughby, Maj. 

    Gen. Charles A.

  invasion, forecast and reaction to: 30, 65-66

  Japan, occupation policy in: 55

  and Japan, security of: 131, 316, 322-23, 325, 344-45

  and Japanese contractors, use of: 209-10, 341

  and Japanese National Police Reserve, arming: 314

  Japanese surrender, role in: 13

  JCS, commended by: 185-86

  JCS, conferences with: 67, 69, 73, 143-44

  JCS, directives from: 67, 69-70, 76-77, 116, 148, 150-51, 153-54, 

    161n, 180-84, 186-87, 194-98, 200, 218, 220, 242-44, 268-69, 278-80, 

    282, 310-12, 321-25, 329

  Joy, conferences with: 149-50, 188

  Korea, relieved of responsibility for: 50

  and Kunsan operation: 176-77

  Larkin, conference with: 228

Page 429

MacArthur, General of the Army Douglas-Continued

  and Manchuria, air operations in: 241-46, 251, 272-73, 277-78, 281, 

    283-84, 291, 320-25, 338-39, 351

  and Marine Corps units, requisitions for: 92, 139, 142, 143, 159-64, 


  Martin, Joseph W., letter to: 374

  and materiel losses and destruction: 301-03

  medical units, requisitions for: 98

  military career: 13

  mission, adherence to: 106-07, 179, 183-84, 186-87, 190, 195, 234, 

    245, 252, 262, 270, 277-78, 282

  missions assigned by JCS: 47

  and morale: 322

  Muccio, conference with: 74

  and National Guard, levies on: 296, 325-26, 344-45

  national police, plans for: 30-33

  national policy, disagreements with: 284-85, 287n, 322-23, 325, 349, 

    358-59, 366, 371-74, 376

  and Nationalist China, use of troops: 295-96, 307, 315-17, 319-20, 339

  NATO, distrust of: 288

  and naval gunfire support: 281

  naval operations, plans for: 336

  Navy units, requisitions for: 239

  and North Korea, drive to: 107, 179, 183-91

  and North Korea, operations in: 193-202, 205-10, 215-19, 278-84, 

  361-64, 371-72. See also Yalu River, operations around.

  Objectives in Korea, directive on: 180-84, 349

  occupation directives and plans: 7, 10, 19, 25-26, 180, 219-21

  offensive, maintenance of: 338

  ordnance specialists, requisitions for: 97-98

  over-optimism, cautions against: 339

  and patrol actions: 363

  plans for supporting: 83

  and political settlement proposals: 358-59, 360-61, 374

  and power plants, air operations against: 231-32, 241, 244-45, 248, 

    269-71, 347-48

  press correspondents, statements to: 340, 351, 358-59

  prisoners of war, plans for rescuing: 215

  proclamation on occupation: 16

  and Pusan operations: 176, 314

  and Rashin, air operations against: 345-47

  reconnaissance, aerial: 270

  relief of: 364, 365-67, 374-77

  replacements, requisitions for: 87, 89-99, 131-33, 136, 153, 155, 

    166-67, 238-39, 282-84, 294-95, 316, 325-26, 342-44

  and replacements, shipment priorities for: 93-94

  report on post-invasion events: 69

  Rhee, address to: 185

  Rhee, conference with: 74

  Ridgway, conferences with: 145-46, 167, 307, 378

  Ridgway, relations with: 305-07

  Ridgway commended by: 336, 348

  and RIPPER: 354-55

  ROK, responsibilities in: 34

  and ROK government, restoration and security: 180, 183-87, 313

  ROK proclaimed by: 28

  and ROKA, attachment to U.S. units: 167-68, 342-43

  and ROKA, control of troops: 102, 188, 191n, 215-16, 218

  and ROKA, expansion and training: 168, 230, 313-14, 394

  and ROKA, withdrawal of: 312-13, 316

  and security, maintenance of: 133, 339

  and Seoul, operations around: 14, 72, 335-36

  service units, use of: 97-98, 342-43

  and Seventh Fleet, control of: 77

  Sherman, conference with: 149-51

  shipping, requisitions for: 106-07

  signal units, requisitions for: 134-35

  Smith, conference with: 148

  and Soviet border, inviolability of: 372

  and Soviet intervention: 188-89, 315, 325-26

  and Soviet propaganda campaigns: 296

  and Soviet Union, air operations against: 321

  specialists, requisitions for: 139, 155, 166-67

  Stratemeyer, conference with: 188

  Struble, conference with: 149

  Struble commended by: 348

  supplies, requisitions for: 81-86, 228-30, 297

  and supply system and operations: 335, 360, 363

  and supply system and operations, enemy: 327, 339, 346-47

  and surrender demand: 187-88, 193, 195, 203-04

  tact, demonstration of: 336n

  and tactical air operations: 109-10, 215-16, 307

  tactical plans: 106-07, 113-14, 126, 145-46, 177, 195-96, 205-06, 212-

    14, 215-19, 245, 271, 275, 279, 290, 311-12, 314, 315, 328, 335-36, 

    338-39, 348, 349, 360

  and tank support: 338

  tank units, requisitions for: 92-93

  and Task Force Smith: 82n

  and 38th Parallel, advance across: 338, 351-54, 358-60

  timing, sense of: 144

  at Tokyo conference: 278-82

  training, directives on: 130, 165-66, 168

  transportation units, requisitions for: 98

  and troop unit strength, enemy: 212-14, 274-77, 280-81, 364

  troop unit strength, protests cuts in: 52-53

  troop units, requisitions for: 83-86, 106-08, 118

Page 430

MacArthur, General of the Army Douglas-Continued

  Truman, commendation by: 185-86, 325

  U.K., attitude toward: 251

  U.K., distrusted by: 288, 290, 365-66, 372

  UNC, named commander of: 102

  UNC activated by: 103

  UNO, directive on reports to: 102-03

  and UNO, military assistance from: 117

  and UNO, military control by: 103n

  Vandenberg, conferences with: 105-06, 140, 325-27

  VFW, message to: 370-71

  visits to combat areas: 74-79, 216. 301, 307n, 339, 363

  at Wake Island conference: 210-14, 218, 220, 222-23, 232, 371

  Walker, conferences with: 125-26, 188-90

  Walker, relations with: 307

  and withdrawal operations: 30, 180, 222-30, 237, 271, 290, 294, 300-

    303, 311-14, 316-17, 322-23, 327, 338-39

  Yalu River, operations around: 250-56, 257, 262, 266, 268-73, 274, 

    276-78, 287, 290, 372

Machine guns, stocks on hand: 46. See also Weapons.

Maintenance and repair programs: 59

Malik, Jacob

  and Chinese border, inviolability of: 249

  political settlement proposed by: 197, 402

  UNO, boycott by: 66, 101, 194

Manchuria: 179, 182, 191, 198-201, 216, 218, 230-32

  air operations in, proposed: 235, 241-46, 251, 272-73, 277-78, 281, 

    283-84, 291, 320-25, 338-39, 351, 386

  air reconnaissance of: 328

  as enemy sanctuary: 274, 320

  occupied by USSR: 10-11

Manp'ojin: 246, 260-61, 263

Manp'ojin-Kanggye road: 261-62

Mao Tse-tung: 232, 240, 40546. See also China, Communist.

Mariana Islands: 49

Marianas-Bonins Command (MARBO): 49

Marine Air Group, 33d: 160

Marine Air Wings

  1st: 146, 159-60, 162, 216

  2d: 159-60

Marine Divisions


    combat effectiveness: 108, 159-160, 312

    deployment to combat: 146, 160-61, 163-65, 171-72

    at Inch'on: 173-77

    North Korea, operations in: 236, 259-61, 265-66, 274, 279-82

    in Pusan operation: 312

    troop unit strength: 171-72, 343

    withdrawal planned: 222n

    in Wonsan operation: 188, 196, 205-08, 216-17, 219, 236

  2d: 159-62

Marine Provisional Brigade, 1st: 127, 144, 157, 160-66

Marine Regiments

  1st: 163

  5th: 142-44, 160, 163, 165, 172

  6th: 163

  7th: 163-64, 171-72, 236

Marshall, General of the Army George C. See also Defense, Department of.

  and armistice proposals: 390

  Atlee, conference with: 291-92

  and Chinese border, inviolability of: 249

  and continental China, operations against: 329-30

  Korea, seeks guidance on: 7

  and limited offensives: 402

  and MacArthur, relief of: 365n, 374-76

  named Secretary of Defense: 181

  and National Guard, levies on: 345

  and North Korea, drive on: 183-84, 191

  and North Korea, operations in: 194, 218, 255, 286, 288

  and objectives in Korea: 181-82

  occupation priorities proposed by: 7-8

  and political settlement proposals: 374

  Ridgway, directive to: 383

  and ROK government, restoration of: 184-85

  and ROKA, arming of: 313, 394n

  Soviet occupation foreseen by: 8

  and strategic air operations: 242, 247, 249

  and 38th Parallel, advance across: 353-54

  and U.N. troops, requisitions for: 227-28, 238, 356

  and Van Fleet, assignment of: 378

  and withdrawal operations: 395

Martial law declared: 25

Martin, Joseph W.: 374


  estimate of requirements: 45-46

  losses and destruction: 112-13, 238, 283, 297, 301-04

  losses and destruction, enemy: 390

  reclamation and supply: 58-60

  shortages in Eighth Army: 175

  state of: 45-46

  supply to ROKA: 35, 77

  World War II, disposition of: 58

Matthews, Francis P.: 42n

Matthews, H. Freeman: 184

Medical units

  requisitions for: 98

  reservists called up: 122

Mexico: 356-57

Milburn, Lt. Gen. Frank W.: 202, 233, 257, 305.

  See also Corps, I.

Page 431

Military Advisory Group to ROK (KMAG): 205.

  See also Provisional Military Advisory Group

    to ROK (PMAG).

  activation and mission: 34

  intelligence reports from: 62-63

  with ROKA units: 80-81

Military Air Transport Service (MATS): 168-69

Military assistance. See also Financial assistance to ROK.

  other than from U.S.: 115

  Rhee asks for: 34-36

  State Department role in: 117

  from UNO, requests for: 61

  UNO channels in: 117

  from U.S.: 35-36

  world-wide, by U.S.: 41

Military attache, U.S. See United States Embassy, Seoul.

Military government. See Civil affairs; Occupation.

Military missions. See also Advisers, Truman reliance on; Military 

    Advisory Group to ROK (KMAG); Provisional Military Advisory Group

    to ROK (PMAG).

  Rhee asks for: 33-34

  Soviet to NKA: 37

  U.S. to ROK: 4, 29-30

  U.S. world-wide, strength: 43

Military policy, U.S.: 41-42

Mines, clearance of: 206, 208-10, 215-18

Mission, doctrine on: 278

Missionaries evacuated: 71

Mobilization, problems in: 119. See also Emergency declaration, U.S.

Mongol invasion: 2-3


  Communist China: 390

  Eighth Army: 137, 143, 281-82

  enemy: 275, 327

  ROKA: 65

  U.S. troops: 322-24, 326, 390

  X Corps: 186

Morehouse, Rear Adm. Albert K.: 261


  enemy strength: 39

  reclamation and supply: 59

  transfer to ROKA: 35

Moscow meeting of foreign ministers: 21-22, 26

Motor vehicles

  at Inch'on: 173-74

  numbers in stock: 46

  reclamation and supply: 59

  shortages: 145

  transfer to ROKA: 35

Mount Fuji: 55

Mt. McKinley, USS: 172, 209

Mountains. See Terrain, effect on operations.

Muccio, John J.: 36, 395

  ADCOM, liaison with: 71-72

  on combat efficiency of NKA: 39, 40

  MacArthur, conference with: 74

  and supply of arms to ROKA: 65-66

  as U.S. ambassador: 28, 184, 221

  U.S. nationals, orders evacuation of: 71

Munsan-ni: 70-71, 404

Mup'yong-ni: 265-66, 274

Mutual Defense Assistance Pact (MDAP): 297

Naktong River: 126-27, 145, 174-75, 311

Nanking: 5

National defense, effect of Korea commitment on: 104-05

National Guard. See also Reserve components.

  Army expansion, role in: 120, 122-25

  levies on: 122-25, 130, 153, 230, 283, 294, 296, 299, 317, 325-26, 

    344-45, 385

  policy on federalizing: 124-25

  public reaction to call-up: 123-24

National police, ROK, plans for: 30-34

National Police Reserve, Japan: 131n, 386

National policy

  MacArthur disagreements with: 284-85, 287n, 322-23, 325, 349, 358-59, 

    366, 371-74, 376

  statements on, clearing: 284-85, 324-25, 332-33, 349, 358-59, 366, 373

National Security Council (NSC): 391

  and Army expansion: 298-99

  and blockade of China: 393

  and Chinese intervention: 252, 254-56, 285-86, 328

  and continental China, operations against: 329-30, 393

  functions: 42n

  military decisions, role in: 103-04

  and Nationalist China, use of troops: 393

  objectives in Korea: 392-93

  and political settlement proposals: 393

  Truman, meeting with: 73

  and withdrawals from Korea: 30, 393

Naval Forces, Far East (NavFFE). See also Joy, Vice Adm. C. Turner.

  GHQ, relations with: 47-48

  Joy commands: 49

  personnel strength: 196

  training program: 55

  transport operations: 196

  U.S. nationals, evacuation of: 71

Naval gunfire support: 112, 151-52, 279, 281, 303-04.

    See also Naval operations.

Naval operations: 69, 70, 73, 76-77, 336. See also Naval gunfire 


  against Communist China, proposed: 320-21, 329

  JCS directives on: 73, 76-77

Navy, Department of the. See Kimball, Dan A.; Sherman, Admiral Forrest 

  P.; State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee (SWNCC).

Page 432

Nehru, Jawaharlal: 197


  Chinese intervention, report on: 266

  troop units, deployment of: 225, 227

New Zealand: 115, 225, 227, 356-57

Night operations, enemy: 106, 281

Noncommissioned officers, shortages in: 89

Norge, SS: 71

Norstad, Lt. Gen. Lauris (USAF): 145-46, 167 

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO): 41

  and Chinese border, inviolability of, 250

  and Chinese intervention: 287-89

  MacArthur, distrust of: 288

  mutual support article: 287n

  Soviet threat to: 287

  U.S. role in: 287

North Korea. See also Korea.

  agricultural resources and methods: 11-12

  area and population: 11

  communications with South broken: 23-24

  Communist China pledges support: 197-98, 199-201, 233-34, 240-41, 251n

  Communist domination of: 24-25

  cultural differences from South: 12

  decision to invade South: 177-84

  defections to: 38

  drive on: 107, 179-91, 195-96, 206-10

  electric power resources: 12

  government established: 23-25, 29

  industrial resources: 11-12

  invasion, U.N. reaction to: 66-67

  jurisdiction over, question of: 220-21

  Kim Il Sung, head of government: 24

  mineral resources: 12

  occupation, plans for: 219-21

  operations in: 180, 193-94, 202-14, 215, 234-36, 245, 250, 254-55, 

    257-62, 266, 271-83, 285-86, 288, 290

  POL production: 12

  propaganda campaigns by: 38

  strategic air operations in: 281

  subversion against ROK: 37

  supply system and operations in: 281, 363-64

  and surrender, demand for: 187-88, 193, 195, 203-04

  tactical air operations in: 272

  troop withdrawals, USSR: 24-25, 29

  withdrawal from: 290-91

North Korean Army

  aircraft strength: 39

  aircraft supplied by USSR: 37

  amphibious operations by: 61, 65

  antitank gun strength: 39

  artillery shellings by: 36

  artillery strength: 39

  artillery supplied by USSR: 37

  attacks on South: 38

  casualties: 405

  Chinese participation evident: 85

  combat effectiveness: 39, 83, 145, 212

  initiative lost by: 112, 114, 125, 137, 188-89

  invasion of ROK: 1, 36-38, 61-65, 80-82, 111-12

  logistical problems: 137

  military missions, USSR: 37

  mortar strength: 39

  night operations, skill in: 106

  organization and training: 36-37

  POL supplied by USSR:

  rout of: 185

  Seoul, advance on and seizure: 70-72

  Soviet influence evident: 61n, 67, 75-76, 84-85, 178

  Soviet Union, arming by: 37, 187-88, 208-09, 230-32, 247

  superiority of: 70

  tank strength: 39

  tanks supplied by USSR: 37

  training by Soviets: 25

  troop movements, reports on: 273

  troop units, strength: 36-37, 39, 387, 405

  troop units, structure: 39

  withdrawal from South: 195, 204-05

Nuclear weapons. See Atomic bomb, potential use.


  directives and plans for: 7, 10, 19, 25-26, 180, 219-21

  Hodge, directives to: 4, 18, 25

  JCS directive on: 196

  MacArthur proclamation on: 16

  North Korea, plans for: 219-21

  opposition to: 19-20

  priorities proposed: 7-8

  Soviet zone defined: 11

  U.N. control of: 219-21

  U.S. objective defined: 19

  U.S. troop units land: 16

  U.S. troop units withdrawn: 29-30, 50

  zones planned and defined: 8, 11

O'Donnell, Maj. Gen. Emmett C. (USAF): 246n

Office of Foreign Liquidation: 35

Office of Special Investigations, USAF: 63


  native laborers from: 341

  security of: 75-76

  as staging area: 49

Ongjin Peninsula: 65, 401-02

Ongondong: 246

Onyang-ni: 263

Operations Division, WDGS: 8-11

Ordnance Department: 45-46

Ordnance Heavy Maintenance Company, 378th: 94

Ordnance specialists, requisitions for: 97-98

Organized Reserve Corps. See Army Reserve.

Page 433

Osan: 82-83, 139, 177, 326

Otsu: 222n

Pace, Frank, Jr.: 69

  and Army expansion and reduction: 118, 221-22, 299

  and Chinese intervention: 299

  and continental China, operations against: 329

  functions and chain of authority: 42

  and MacArthur, relief of: 376-77

  and National Guard, levies on: 124

  over-optimism, cautions against: 339

  and 38th Parallel, operations around: 352-53

  and Van Fleet, assignment of: 378

  at Wake Island conference: 211-14

Pacific Command: 43. See also Radford, Admiral Arthur W.

Paik Sun Yup, Maj. Gen. (ROKA): 233

Pannikar, K. M.: 197-98, 200n, 251n, 289n

Parks, Maj. Gen. Floyd L.: 133

Partridge, Maj. Gen. Earle E. (USAF): 348

Patrol actions: 363, 387-88, 398

Peng Teh-huai (CCF): 404

People's Democratic Republic of Korea. See Korea; North Korea.

People's Republic of China. See China, Communist.

Petroleum, oil, and lubricants (POL)

  FEC stocks: 59

  North Korea production: 12

  Soviet supplies to NKA: 37

  supply of: 208

Philippine Scouts: 52


  security of: 75-76

  troop units, deployment of: 227-28, 356

Philippines Command, USAF (PHILCOM): 49, 58

Piburn, Brig. Gen. Edwin W.: 137

PINK: 297

Pleven, René: 332-33

P'ohang-dong: 86, 300

Police forces. See National police, ROK, plans for.

Political parties, number in ROK: 18

Political settlement proposals: 197, 352, 357-61, 374, 390-93, 396, 400-

    402. See also Armistice proposals.

Port Arthur: 11, 318

Port systems and operations: 2, 195, 207-08, 258

  Hungnam: 301

  Inch'on: 189-91, 196, 202, 207-08, 258, 300

  Pusan: 4, 172, 188, 190-91, 196, 207, 208, 258, 300

  Wonsan: 206, 259

Posung-Myon area: 148-50

Potsdam Conference: 8

Power plants

  output slowed by USSR: 26

  preservation of: 231-32, 241, 244-45, 248, 264-65, 347-48, 369-71, 


Press correspondents

  clearing statements to: 284-85, 324-26, 332-33, 349, 358-59, 366, 373

  MacArthur statements to: 340, 351, 358-59

  Ridgway statements to: 326, 340, 359-60

Prisoners of war

  Communist China: 233, 236, 390

  enemy, disposition of: 381

  JCS directive on: 186-87

  plans for rescuing: 215

Propaganda campaigns

  Communist China: 289n

  North Korea: 38

  Soviet Union: 22, 25, 296, 347

"Provisional Government of Republic of Great Korea": 5

Provisional Military Advisory Group to ROK (PMAG): 34. See also Military 

    Advisory Group to ROK (KMAG).

Public opinion, reaction to calling reserve components: 121-24

Pugen Reservoir. See Fusen Reservoir.

Pujon: 252-53, 259, 263-64

Pukch'ong: 236

Pungsan: 216, 236


  air operations, enemy: 76-77

  airlift to: 80-81

  Base Command: 81-82

  in occupation priority: 7-8, 11

  perimeter, operations around: 113-14, 125-27, 131-32, 137-38, 144-46, 

    148, 151-54, 155, 162-64, 165n, 174-77

  port system and operations: 4, 172, 188, 190-91, 196, 207, 208, 258, 


  U.S. nationals evacuated from: 71

  withdrawal to and from: 283-84, 290, 300-301, 312, 314, 324

P'yongch'ang: 340

P'yonggang: 364

P'yonghae-ri: 86

P'yongt'aek: 82, 309-10

Pyongwon: 216

P'yongyang: 187-91, 195-96, 202-06, 212, 215-18, 235-36, 257, 283, 304, 


P'yongyang-Wonsan road: 216

Radford, Admiral Arthur W. See also Pacific Command.

  and Inch'on operation: 156

  and Marine Corps units, employment of: 160-61

  at Wake Island conference: 212

Radio sets, numbers in stock: 46. See also Signal equipment, supply of.


  demolition of: 195

  routes and operations: 4, 81, 191, 258, 347

  shortages of facilities: 208

Page 434

Rashin: 10, 241, U5-47, 380-81


  shortages, enemy: 390

  stocks in FEC: 59

  supply of: 207-08

Rebuild programs. See Maintenance and repair programs.

Recoilless rifles, reclamation and supply: 59

Reconnaissance, aerial: 219, 230, 270, 272, 305, 327-28, 346, 369

Reconnaissance, ground: 327

Reconnaissance, ground, enemy: 303-04

Recruits. See Replacements.

Reeder, Maj. Gen. William O.: 294, 298

Refugees, from North Korea: 23

Regimental Combat Teams. See also Infantry Regiments.

  4th: 108

  5th: 44-45, 90-92, 127, 166, 222

  9th: 166

  14th: 44-45, 90-92, 230

  196th: 124-25, 230

  278th: 124-25, 230

Reinforcements. See Replacements; Troop units.

Reinholt, SS: 71

Repair programs. See Maintenance and repair programs.

Replacements. See also Troop units.

  airlift of: 87-88, 127-29, 215-16

  Eighth Army system: 88n, 129

  FEC requisitions for: 53, 56, 87-89, 98-99, 239, 343

  numbers received: 127-29

  problems in supplying: 127-34, 238

  requisitions for: 69, 79, 91-94, 107-08, 119-20, 129-33, 137, 166-67, 

    223-24, 228-29, 237-39, 271, 282-84, 294-95, 298, 310-11, 313, 316, 

    325-28, 342-44, 384

  shipment priorities for: 93-94

  training of: 130

Reporters. See Press correspondents.

Republic of Korea. See also Kim Koo; Rhee, Syngman.

  agricultural resources and methods: 11-12

  area and population: 11

  armament, report on needs: 36

  Armed Forces Organization Act: 34

  assembly convenes: 26-27

  casualties, civilian: 405

  casualties, Communist-inflicted: 37-38

  coast guard, strength: 34

  Communist activity in: 19-20

  constabulary, organization and armament: 32-33

  courses of action open to U.S.: 67-68

  cultural differences from North: 12

  economy, state during occupation: 18

  election results: 26, 40

  financial assistance to: 30

  government, restoration and security: 180, 183-87, 313, 386

  government, support of: 180, 184, 328

  government employees, number: 18

  guerrilla operations, enemy: 38, 64

  industrial resources: 12

  Japanese officials, reaction to: 18

  Kim Koo heads provisional government: 5, 14, 19

  MacArthur, responsibilities in: 34

  MacArthur assumes control of U.S. forces: 71

  MacArthur proclaims restoration: 28

  materiel supply to: 68-69

  military assistance to: 35-36

  military missions to: 4, 29-30

  national police, activation and training: 32, 34

  navy, MacArthur on need for: 34-35

  NKA, attacks and withdrawals by: 1, 36-38, 61-65, 80-82, 111-12, 195, 


  North Korea, subversion in: 37

  occupation, opposition to: 19-20

  occupation, U.N. policy on: 180

  plans for defending: 66-71

  political parties, number: 18

  political situation at occupation: 18

  provisional government, return of: 14-16

  refugees from North: 23

  riots, Communist-inspired: 25

  Soviet intentions, analysis of: 67-68

  Soviet liaison mission withdrawn: 24

  Soviet troops, entries by: 16

  troop unit strength, U.S.: 25, 52, 86

  troop unit withdrawals, U.S.: 28-30

  troop unit withdrawals, USSR demand for: 26

  U.N., admission to sought: 14

  U.N., appeal to: 73

  U.N. resolution on security of: 193-94

  U.N.-ROK ground forces, control of: 215-18

  U.S. control structure: 25-26

  U.S. failure, political effects: 105

  U.S. nationals evacuated: 67-69, 71

  U.S. recognizes: 14, 28

  U.S. support assured: 40

  withdrawal from proposed: 30, 393

  Youth Corps: 313

Republic of Korea Army. See also National Police, ROK, plans for.

  I Corps: 189, 195, 202-06, 216, 232, 236, 266, 363-64

  II Corps: 206, 234-35, 257, 274

  III Corps: 339-40, 363-64

  1st Division: 204-05, 233-35

  3d Division: 195, 301

  6th Division: 234-35

  26th Regiment: 236

  air-naval support as precedent: 70

  air units, MacArthur on need for: 34-35

  aircraft strength: 40

Page 435

Republic of Korea Army-Continued

  ammunition supplies to: 35, 66

  arming of: 65-67, 313, 394n

  artillery strength: 40

  artillery transferred to: 35

  attached to U.S. units: 167-68, 171-72, 188, 239, 342-43

  casualties: 235, 405

  combat effectiveness: 39-40, 70-71, 191n, 205, 326, 394

  defections to North: 38

  early defeats: 82

  expansion, equipping, and training: 32-33, 35, 168, 230, 313-14, 392, 


  intelligence reports from, distrust of: 64

  KMAG with: 70, 80-81

  materiel losses: 238

  materiel supplied to: 35, 77

  morale: 65

  mortars transferred to: 35

  motor vehicles transferred to: 35

  rocket launchers transferred to: 35

  troop units, control of: 188, 191n, 205-06, 215-16, 218, 381-82, 385

  troop units, strength: 34, 40, 387

  troop units, structure: 34, 40

  U.S. aid in forming: 30-36

  US. officers to command, proposed: 394-95

  weapons transferred to: 35

  withdrawal of, proposed: 312-13, 316, 323-24

Republic of Korea Marine Corps: 207

Research and development: 46

Reserve components. See also Army Reserve; National Guard.

  recalls to active duty: 87

  specialists recalled: 122, 131, 135-36

  USMCR, levies on: 160-62

Retrograde movements. See Withdrawal operations.

Rhee, Syngman. See also Republic of Korea.

  amnesty proclamation, plans for: 180

  arrival in Korea: 19

  assistance to ROK, assured of: 35-36

  Communists, enmity toward: 20-21

  elected chairman of ROK Assembly: 26-27

  elected and inaugurated president: 26-28

  elections, plans for: 180

  heads provisional government: 5

  invasion, fears of: 35-37

  MacArthur, assigns control of ROKA to: 102

  MacArthur, conference with: 74

  MacArthur address to: 185

  military assistance asked by: 33-36

  and North Korea, jurisdiction over: 220-21

  provisional government representative: 5, 14

  Ridgway, relations with: 308

  and ROK government, restoration of: 180, 184

  and ROKA, expansion and training: 394-95

  trusteeship, opposition to: 26

  U.N., seeks admission to: 14

  U.S. recognition and support sought: 14

  U.S. troop units, appeals for: 29, 72

  and U.S. troop units, withdrawal of: 395

Ridgway, General Matthew B.: 376. See also Eighth Army; Far East Command 

    (FEC); United Nations Command (UNC).

  and airborne units, deployment of: 170-71

  and airlift, supply by: 341-42

  air-naval commitment, recalls: 70

  and amphibious operations: 336, 397

  and armistice proposals: 399-405

  and Army expansion: 299

  attrition tactics: 333-34, 361-64, 382, 396, 397

  in AUDACIOUS: 364

  and Chinese border, inviolability of: 380, 382, 385

  and Chinese intervention: 298, 308-09

  Collins, directives from: 383, 385

  command authority: 381, 385

  command roles, conflict in: 382-87

  command roles, redefined: 396

  commanders, directive to: 381-82

  commands Eighth Army: 305-06

  and continental China, operations against: 380, 386, 396

  in COURAGEOUS: 362-63

  in DAUNTLESS: 363

  departure from Korea: 379

  and DMZ, establishment of: 399-402, 404-05

  and emergency declaration: 299

  estimates of situation by: 105, 131, 335-36, 379-82, 388-89, 398

  and expansion of conflict: 381

  and General Reserve, levies on: 91

  Han River operations: 334-40

  Inch'on operations: 308-09, 336

  intelligence reports to: 308

  and Japan, security of: 383-84, 386

  JCS, directives from: 381-87, 395-96, 401-02

  Joy, directive to: 382

  at KANSAS-WYOMING lines: 389, 397-404

  in KILLER: 340

  leadership, effect on troops: 327-28

  limited offensives, directives on: 384-86, 397-99, 401-02

  MacArthur, commendation by: 336, 348

  MacArthur, relations with: 145-46, 167, 305-07, 378

  and Manchuria, air operations against: 386

  Marshall directives to: 383

  military career: 306

  mission as CINCUNC, evaluation of: 380, 382, 385-86

  and morale: 390

  and National Guard, levies on: 124

  and naval operations: 336

  North Korea, operations in: 361-64

Page 436

Ridgway, General Matthew B.-Continued

  and objectives in Korea: 383-84, 397, 405

  offensive, maintenance of: 308-10, 326, 331, 387, 402

  and political settlement proposals: 390, 396, 400-401

  and power plants, preservation of: 380-81

  press correspondents, statements to: 326, 340, 359-60

  and prisoners of war, disposition of: 381

  and public reaction to armistice: 404

  and Rashin, air operations against: 345, 380-81

  and replacements, requisitions for: 130-32, 294, 384

  Rhee, relations with: 308

  in RIPPER: 354-55, 357

  and ROK government, security of: 386

  and ROKA, control of troops: 381-82, 385

  and ROKA, effect of withdrawal plans on: 312

  and ROKA, U.S. officers to command: 394-95

  and ROKA expansion and training: 394-96

  in RUGGED: 363

  and security of plans and movements: 133, 340

  Seoul, operations around: 308-10, 335-37, 354

  and service units, reduction of: 342

  and Soviet border, inviolability of: 380, 382, 385

  and Soviet intervention: 381-83, 386

  Stratemeyer, directive to: 382

  supply system and operations: 341-42, 361-62

  tactical plans: 308-09, 326, 333-38, 340, 348, 364, 378-80, 382, 387-

    89, 400-401

  Taylor, directive from: 383, 385

  and 38th Parallel, advance across: 335-38, 351, 353-54, 359-60, 379-82

  in THUNDERBOLT: 333-34, 336

  Truman, directive from: 383

  and Van Fleet, assignment of: 378-79

  Van Fleet, directive to: 381-82

  victory, comment on possibility of: 399n

  visits to combat areas: 388-89, 402-03

  and withdrawal operations: 309-10, 312-14, 331, 364, 382-83, 386, 395

  and Yalu, air operations around: 380-81

Riots, Communist-inspired: 25

RIPPER: 354-55, 357

Road systems: 191, 279, 335

Roberts, Brig. Gen. William L.: 34-35, 39

Rocket launchers

  deficiencies in: 84

  transfer to ROKA: 35

ROLL-UP: 58-59

Roosevelt, Franklin D.: 7, 13

Roosevelt, Theodore: 4

ROUND-UP. See Han River.

Ruffner, Maj. Gen. Clark L.: 157-58, 164


Rusk, Dean: 212, 242, 268, 359

Russia, imperial: 2-3. See also Soviet Union.

Russo-Japanese War: 3

Ryukyus Command (RYCOM): 49

Sakchu: 246

Sakhalin: 325

Samanko: 246

Samch'ok: 309-10

San Francisco Port of Embarkation: 229-30, 297

Sariwon: 188, 195-96

Sasebo: 93, 172

Seattle Port of Embarkation: 297

Sebald, William J.: 184

Secretary of the Air Force. See Finletter, Thomas K.

Secretary of the Army. See Army, Department of the; Pace, Frank, Jr.; 

    United States Army.

Secretary of Defense. See Johnson, Louis A.; Marshall, General of the 

    Army George C.

Secretary of the Navy. See Kimball, Dan A.; Matthews, Francis P.

Secretary of State. See Acheson, Dean G.

Security measures: 133

Selective Service system in Army expansion: 120-24

Seoul: 67, 69-70, 82, 152, 196, 202. See also United States Embassy, 


  loss of forecast: 72

  NKA advance on and seizure: 14, 70-72

  in occupation priority: 7-8, 11, 14

  population: 11

  recovery of: 106, 139, 146, 149-52, 154, 173, 177, 184-85, 188-89

  U.S. occupation of: 16

  withdrawal to and from: 283-84, 290-91, 308-09, 335-37, 354

Seoul-Ch'orwon-Wonsan corridor: 190

Seoul-Kimp'o-Inch'on defensive line: 67, 69-70

Seoul-P'yongyang axis: 400

Seoul-Wonsan axis: 400

Service units

  employment: 97-98, 342-43

  ratio to combat units: 54

  reduction of: 342-44

  troop strength in FEC: 342

Seventh Fleet: 69, 73, 77, 367, 369. See also Struble, Vice Adm. 

    Arthur D.

Shanghai: 5

Sheetz, Maj. Gen. Josef R.: 49

Shepherd, Lt. Gen. Lemuel C. (USMC): 150, 155, 161-62, 172

Sherman, Admiral Forrest P. See also Navy, Department of the; United 

    States Navy.

  and Chinese intervention: 328

  MacArthur, conference with: 149-51

  and MacArthur, relief of: 365n, 376

  and Marine Corps troops, employment of: 160-64

  and naval forces to halt invasion: 69

  and replacements, problems of: 132

  Seventh Fleet, orders move of: 69

  and Soviet border, inviolability of: 279

Page 437


  Japan, contracted from: 209-10

  requirements: 106-07, 300-301, 313

  shortages in: 91

Shufeldt, Commodore Robert W.: 3-4

Signal Battalions, 4th and 101st: 134-36

Signal equipment, supply of: 208

Signal units, requisitions for: 134-35

Sino-Japanese War, 1894-95: 3

Sinuiju: 231, 239, 241-46

Sinup: 216n

Small arms. See Weapons.

Smith, Col. Aubrey D.: 158, 207

Smith, Lt. Col. Charles B.: 81. See also Task Force Smith, USA.

Smith, H. Alexander: 365n

Smith, Maj. Gen. Oliver P. (USMC)

  and Inch'on operation: 147-49, 164, 172

  MacArthur, conference with: 148

  and Marine Corps troops, employment of: 164-65

  and North Korea, operations in: 254-55, 261

  and over-optimism in planning: 222n

  in Wonsan operation: 206-07, 209

Sonch'on: 216

Songhyon-ni: 379

Songjin: 216

South Korea. See Korea; Republic of Korea.

Soviet Union. See also Malik, Jacob; Russia, imperial; Stalin, Joseph 

    V.; Vishinsky, Andrei A.

  aggressor resolution, vote against: 333

  air violations of by USAF: 200-201, 247

  arms and aircraft supplied to NKA: 37, 187-88, 208-09, 230-32, 247

  blockade of China, attitude toward: 318

  border, inviolability of: 279, 346-47, 372, 380, 382, 384-85

  Communist China, relations with: 197, 201, 317, 320

  concessions to, proposed: 7, 288

  elections protested by: 26

  entries by troops: 16

  foreign policy toward: 286

  and Formosa issue: 371

  intentions in Korea, analysis of: 67-69, 104

  intervention by, plans for meeting: 69, 75-77, 178-80, 182, 188-89, 

    199, 222, 253, 268-70, 286-87, 298, 315, 325-26, 352, 381-83, 386, 


  invasion by NKA, role in: 61n, 178

  Japan, enters war against: 8

  Japan, threat to: 311

  Korea, differences with U.S. over: 6-7, 23-25

  Korea, policy on future of: 14, 19, 23-25

  Korea invaded by: 8-11

  liaison mission in ROK: 24

  Manchuria occupied by: 10-11

  military missions to NKA: 37

  military strength: 41

  NATO, threat to: 287

  NKA, influence on: 67, 75-76, 84-85

  as nuclear power: 41

  occupation by anticipated: 8

  occupation zone defined: 11

  POL supplies to NKA: 37

  power plant flow cut by: 26

  propaganda campaigns: 22, 25, 296, 347

  provisional government, proposals for: 22

  training of NKA by: 25

  troop units withdrawn from North Korea: 26, 29

  trusteeship, agreement on: 21-22, 26

  U.N. jurisdiction, objection to: 26

  unification, opposition to: 22-23

  U.S. calls on to intervene: 100

  withdrawal proposed by: 28-29

Special Planning Staff, GHQ: 157-58

Special Reserve equipment stocks: 297


  requisitions for: 139, 155, 166-67

  Reservists recalled: 122, 131, 135-36

Staffs. See Command and staff.

Stalin, Joseph V.: 9

  and armistice proposal: 197

  Hopkins, conferences with: 7, 13

  Soviet occupation zone defined by: 11

  trusteeship, agreement on: 7, 13

State, Department of. See also Acheson, Dean G.; State-War-Navy 

    Coordinating Committee (SWNCC) .

  and armistice proposals: 290-91, 359

  and Chinese border, inviolability of: 266-69

  CINCUNC reports to UNO proposed by: 102-03

  civil affairs, conduct of: 25, 221

  and Communist China, admission to U.N.: 290-91

  and continental China, operations against: 291, 332

  courses of action considered: 349-51

  DMZ, establishment proposed: 290-91

  and expansion of conflict: 332

  and Formosa, security of: 366-68

  and Japanese contract shipping: 209-10

  and Manchuria, air operations against: 235, 247

  military assistance, role in: 117

  military decisions, role in: 103-04

  and national policy, clearance of statements on: 373

  and North Korea, operations in: 193-94

  and North Korea, withdrawal from: 290-91

  and objectives in Korea: 181-82, 332, 349-51

  and occupation troops, withdrawal of: 29-30

  and political settlement proposals: 352, 357-59

  and power plants, preservation of: 231-32

  and Rashin, air operations against: 346-47

  and ROK government, restoration of: 184-85

  and ROKA, arming of: 67, 313

  and Soviet border, inviolability of: 346-47

Page 438

State, Department of-Continued

  and 38th Parallel, advance across: 351-54, 358

  and U.K. concern over U.S. policies: 289-90

  and withdrawal operations: 395

State-Army-Navy-Air Force Coordinating Committee (SANACC): 49-50

State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee (SWNCC): 9-10, 49-50

Strategic air operations: 108, 110, 112, 137, 241-44, 246-47, 249, 272, 

    277-78, 286, 300, 321, 329, 345. See also Air operations.

  Air Force concept: 109-10

  B-29 aircraft in: 241-44

  central control lacking: 108

  against Communist China, proposed: 283-84, 289, 292, 320

  by Far East Air Forces: 241-44

  GHQ Target Group, practice by: 110

  in Inch'on operation: 146, 151-52

  JCS directives on: 73, 76-77

  against Manchuria, proposed: 241-46, 251, 272-73, 277-78, 281, 283-84, 

    291, 320-25, 338-39, 351

  by Navy: 246

  in North Korea: 281

  against Soviet Union, proposed: 321

  along Yalu, proposed: 241-46, 273

Stratemeyer, Lt. Gen. George E. (USAF). See also Far East Air Forces 


  and air operations, control by: 108-09

  air operations, plans for: 110-11

  and airlift, supply by: 258, 341-42

  and ammunition supply: 229

  and Chinese intervention: 230-31

  Collins, conference with: 283-84

  commands FEAF: 49

  and engineer troops, use of: 342

  and Inch'on operation: 152

  MacArthur, conference with: 188

  and power plants, bombardment of: 348

  and Rashin, bombardment of: 346

  Ridgway, directive from: 382

  and strategic air operations: 110, 241-42, 243n, 272

Struble, Vice Adm. Arthur D.

  Chiang, conference with: 368

  commands Joint Task Force Seven and Seventh Fleet: 172

  and Inch'on operation: 172

  MacArthur, commended by: 348

  MacArthur, conference with: 149

  and Marine Corps troops, employment of: 164-65

  and Wonsan operation: 208, 216-17, 219

Sudong: 236

Suiho Hydroelectric Power Plant: 231, 241

Sukch'on: 215-16, 283

Sukhaya Rechk: 200-201

Sunch'on: 215-16, 283

Supply system and operations: 158, 190-91, 195, 229-30, 257-59, 263, 

    265, 297, 335, 341-42, 360-62, 363. See also Logistical system and 

    operations; Materiel.

  by airlift: 195, 235, 257-58, 301, 341-42

  of ammunition: 229-30, 236, 257

  in Eighth Army: 398

  FEC stocks, daily levels: 59

  at Inch'on: 173-74

  in North Korea operations: 281, 363-64

  ration supply: 207-08

  reduction, plans for: 222, 232

  requisitions for: 81-86, 228-30, 297

  shortages: 202

  in UNC augmentation: 356

Supply system and operations, enemy: 261-62, 272-73, 279-81, 340, 346-

    48, 384, 398-99, 403

Support units. See Service units; and by type and name.

Supreme Commander, Allied Powers (SCAP): 48. See also MacArthur, General 

    of the Army Douglas; Ridgway, General Matthew B.

"Supreme People's Assembly": 40

Surplus Property Act: 35

Surprise, application of: 173

Surprise, application by enemy: 62, 235, 275

Surrender demand by UNC: 186-88, 193, 195, 203-04

Suwon: 71-72, 74, 80-81, 106, 173, 326, 333-34

Sweden: 266

Tactical air operations: 109-10, 173, 215-16, 307. See also Air 


  concept of: 110

  diversion of bombers to: 109-10, 241-44

  in Inch'on operation: 146, 152

  at KANSAS-WYOMING lines: 398

  by Marine Corps and Navy: 216, 303-04

  in North Korea operations: 272

  in withdrawal operations: 303-04

Tactical air operations, enemy: 61

Taebaek Ridge: 86, 191, 236, 279, 381

Taegu: 82, 111-12, 125, 326

Taejon: 82, 86, 111-13, 141, 142, 143, 177

Taejon-Taegu line: 143

Taejon-Taegu-Suwon line: 146, 152

Taft, William Howard: 4

Taiwan. See China, Nationalist; Formosa.

Tank Battalions: 94

Tank support: 82, 175, 326, 338, 387-88

Tank support, enemy: 236

Tank units

  NKA strength: 39

  requisitions for: 92-93

  shortages of: 89


  employment, advice against use: 36

  number serviceable: 46

Page 439


  reclamation and supply: 59

  supply to Eighth Army: 297

Tanks, enemy: 39, 82, 84

Tanyang: 86

Task Force 77, USN: 108

Task Force 90, USN: 209

Task Force Smith, USA: 81-82

Tass news agency: 22

Taylor, Maj. Gen. Maxwell D.: 351

  and Han River operations: 338-39

  limited directives, directive on: 401n

  and power plants, preservation of: 348

  and Rashin, bombardment of: 347

  Ridgway, directives to: 383, 385

  and RIPPER: 354-55

  and U.N. troops, requisitions for: 356

Technical services units. See Service units; and by type and name.

Technicians. See Specialists.

Terrain, effect on operations: 1-2, 191, 270, 280-81, 335, 341-42, 363-

    64, 398-99

Thailand: 225

38th Parallel

  operations around: 335-38, 351-54, 358-60, 379-82, 396

  origin as demarcation line: 9-11

  topography and communication lines: 11

THUNDERBOLT: 333-34, 336

Tides, effect on operations: 140-47

Toksil-li: 216


  conference at: 278-82

  as FEC headquarters: 49

  in occupation priority: 7

Topography. See Terrain, effect on operations.


  airborne units: 169-70

  for airlift: 57

  for amphibious operations: 57

  FEAF program: 54-58

  for Inch'on: 159

  MacArthur, directives on: 130, 165-66, 168

  in NavFFE: 55

  in North Korean Army: 36-37

  realism applied: 159

  X Corps program: 159

  Walker, role in: 165-66

Transport aircraft, shortage of: 88

Transportation units, requisitions for: 98

Trans-Siberia railroad: 321

Treasury, Department of the: 318

Troop units. See also Replacements; also by type and name.

  Army Reserve strength: 121

  Asiatic, employment proposed: 193-94

  Australian, deployment of: 225, 227, 356-57

  Belgian, deployment of: 225, 227

  Canadian, deployment of: 225, 227, 356-57

  combat to service, ratio of: 54

  combat-ready troops, requisitions for: 92-99

  Communist China, deployment of: 179, 222n, 233-34

  decision to commit: 79, 80

  Eighth Army strength: 52, 54, 342-44

  enemy strength: 36-37, 212-14, 241, 244-45, 259n, 260, 274-77, 280-81, 

    364, 380, 384-85, 387, 405

  estimates of needs: 107-08

  EUCOM, deployment to: 223, 286

  EUCOM strength: 45

  FEAF strength: 52-53, 196

  FEC, quality of: 55-57

  FEC, strength and turnover: 43-45, 52-55, 89-92, 230

  FEC, structure in: 49, 53-54

  French, deployment of: 225, 227, 356

  General Reserve strength: 44-45, 118

  Greek, deployment of: 225, 227, 356

  infantry shortages in FEC: 89

  Latin America, deployment of: 356-57

  Marine Corps. See United States Marine Corps

  military missions, strength in: 43

  movement, security of: 133, 340

  Nationalist China, use proposed: 116-17, 283-84, 295-96, 319-21, 329

  Netherlands, deployment of: 225, 227

  New Zealand, deployment of: 225, 227, 356-57

  NKA structure: 39

  occupation forces withdrawn: 30

  PACOM strength: 43

  Philippines, deployment of: 227-28, 356

  reductions, protested and justified: 52-53

  requisitions for: 78-79, 80, 83-86, 106-08, 118 

  ROKA, control of: 205-06, 218, 381-82, 385

  ROKA strength: 34, 40, 387

  ROKA structure: 34, 40

  service units, reduction of: 343-44

  Thai, deployment of: 225

  Turkey, deployment of: 225, 356

  U.K., deployment and withdrawal: 224-25, 227-28, 356-57

  UNC, number employed: 117, 196, 225, 230, 405

  UNC, requisitions for: 224-28, 237-38, 344, 356-57, 384

  UNC, withdrawal of: 222

  U.S., withdrawal of: 28-30, 395

  U.S. strength: 25, 45, 52-53, 86, 123, 221

  withdrawal of demanded by Soviet Union: 26

Trucks. See Motor vehicles.

Truman, Harry S.

  advisers, reliance on: 177-79

  and aggression, U.S. attitude toward: 292

  air-naval commitment approved by: 69, 73

  air operations, directive on: 76

  and armistice proposals: 287, 292-93, 403

Page 440

Truman, Harry S.-Continued

  Army expansion approved by: 119-20

  Army Reserve, call-up by: 88

  and atomic bomb, potential use: 288

  Attlee, conference with: 288-93

  and blockade of China: 102

  in chain of authority: 42

  and Chinese border, inviolability of: 249

  and Chinese intervention: 198, 200-202, 231, 252, 285-86

  civil affairs, transfers from military: 25

  and collective security, need for: 333

  Collins, conference with: 79

  as Commander in Chief: 79

  and Communist China, admission to U.N.: 292-93

  and Communist China, concessions to: 292-93

  and Communist China, recognition of: 332-33

  and Communist China as aggressor: 333

  Communist China assets frozen by, 318

  Communist expansion, determination to resist: 67n

  Congressional approval unsought: 73

  and continental China, operations against: 317-18, 320-21, 324, 329-

    30, 369

  defense officials, meetings with: 68-70, 72-74, 76

  emergency declaration by: 299-300

  and expansion of conflict: 317-18, 320-21, 324

  and Formosa, security of: 366-71

  and General Reserve, levies on: 93-94, 132

  ground forces, decision to deploy: 79, 80

  and Inch'on operation: 151n, 154

  invasion, reaction to: 66

  and Japanese surrender procedures: 10

  Joseph W. Martin letter: 374

  and Korea as strategic area: 50

  and limited offensives: 402

  MacArthur commended by: 185-86, 325

  and MacArthur violation of directives: 359, 366-67, 373-74

  military-naval reinforcements ordered by: 69

  and National Guard, levies on: 123-24

  and national policy, clearance of statements on: 284, 324-25, 332-33, 

    349, 358-59, 366, 373

  National Security Council, meeting with: 73

  and Nationalist China, use of troops: 116, 320-21

  and North Korea, drive on: 183n, 191

  and North Korea, operations in: 282, 285-86

  and objectives in Korea: 177, 179-82, 255-56, 349, 357-58, 393

  and occupation, U.N. directives on: 220-21

  Pleven, conference with: 332-33

  and political settlement proposals: 357-59, 374, 393

  Rhee, reassurance of assistance to: 35-36

  Ridgway, directive to: 383

  ROK, view on fall of: 67n

  and ROKA, expansion and training: 394

  and ROKA, withdrawal of: 313

  and Soviet intentions, analysis of: 69

  and Soviet intervention: 76, 286-87

  and strategic air operations: 242-44, 246, 249

  and UNO, military assistance from: 61

  as UNO agent: 101

  and U.S. as UNO agent: 317n

  and Van Fleet, assignment of: 378

  and VFW, MacArthur statement to: 370-71

  at Wake Island conference: 210-14

  and withdrawal operations: 30, 287, 292, 296n, 324-25


  agreement on: 7, 13, 21-22, 26

  Communist support of in South Korea: 22

  Nationalist China agreement on: 13, 26

  opposition to in South Korea: 21-22, 26

  Soviet agreement on: 7, 13, 21-22, 26

Tumen River: 245-46, 399n

Tunner, Maj. Gen. William H. (USAF): 258


  materiel losses by: 297

  troop units, deployment of: 225, 356

Turner, Maj. Gen. Howard M. (USAF): 49. See also Air Force, Thirteenth.

Uijongbu: 70-71, 308, 387-89

Uisong: 127

Underwater demolition teams: 148

Unification, proposed and opposed: 20-23

Unified commands: 43, 45, 47n, 48n

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). See  Russia, imperial;  

    Soviet Union; Stalin, Joseph V.

United Kingdom, See also Attlee, Clement R.; Bevin, Ernest.

  8th Hussars: 224-25

  27th Infantry Brigade: 204-05, 227

  29th Infantry Brigade: 224-25, 227-28

  and blockade of China: 318

  and Cairo Declaration on Korea: 6

  and Chinese border, inviolability of: 249, 267

  and Chinese intervention: 251

  MacArthur, attitude toward: 251, 288, 290, 365-66, 372

  military assistance from: 115

  and Nationalist China, use of troops: 296

  and objectives in Korea: 292-93

  and political settlement proposals: 360-61

  and strategic air operations: 242-43

  troop units, deployment and withdrawal: 224-25, 227-28, 356-57

  trusteeship, view on: 13, 26

  UNO agent, introduces resolution on: 101

  U.S., relations with: 331

  U.S. policies, concern over: 289-93

Page 441

United Nations Command (UNC). See also MacArthur, General of the Army 

    Douglas; Ridgway, General Matthew B.

  activated: 103

  casualties: 238, 405

  and Chinese troops, reports on: 199-200

  and CINC, reports from: 102-03

  CINC, U.S. asked to appoint: 101-02

  evacuation of Korea considered: 289, 290

  FEC staff doubles for: 103

  JCS opposes committee command: 101

  MacArthur named CINC: 102

  objectives attained: 405-06

  supply in augmentation of: 356

  troop units, number employed: 117, 405

  troop units, withdrawal of: 222

  troop units strength: 196, 225, 230, 405

  UNC-ROKA forces, control of: 215-18

United Nations Organization (UNO)

  aggressor resolution, vote on: 332-33

  and armistice proposals: 288-90, 331, 333

  and Chinese border, inviolability of: 249, 268

  Commission in Korea (UNCOK): 194

  Commission for Unification and Rehabilitation of Korea (UNCURK): 194, 

    212, 220, 231-32, 269

  Committee on Coordination of Assistance for Korea (CCAK): 100-101

  Committee of Good Offices: 360

  Communist China, admission proposed: 197, 290-93, 331

  and Communist Chinese intervention: 242, 266-67

  and continental China, operations against: 317, 320

  DMZ, proposals for: 290

  elections, supervision of: 219-20, 269, 331

  Far East problems, conference to settle: 331

  and Formosa issue: 369-71

  France introduces agent resolution: 101

  invasion, reaction to: 66-67

  JCS as agent for: 101-03, 243

  joint action, resolution on: 73-74, 100-102, 177-78, 185, 369-71

  joint action, U.S. proposal for: 68, 73, 100

  jurisdiction protested by USSR: 26

  Korean stability, resolution on: 193-94

  Malik proposal rejected: 197

  military assistance from: 61, 115-17

  and Nationalist China, use of troops: 319

  objectives in Korea: 349, 392

  occupation, control by: 219-21

  occupation, directives on: 220-21

  occupation troops ordered withdrawn: 30

  reports to, directive on: 102-03

  ROK admission sought: 14

  ROK appeals to: 73

  seen as composing differences: 23

  Soviet boycott of: 66, 101, 194

  Temporary Commission on Korea: 26, 40

  and 38th Parallel, advance across: 351, 353

  and troop units, control of: 103n

  and troop units, requisitions for: 224-28, 237-38, 344, 356-57, 384

  and Truman as Security Council agent: 101

  U.K. introduces agent resolution: 101

  U.S. action confirmed by: 73-74

  U.S. as agent: 317n

  U.S. brings problem to: 26

  U.S. commitment without sanction of: 70, 73

  and withdrawal operations: 331

United States. See also Roosevelt, Franklin D.; Truman, Harry S.

  and Cairo Declaration on Korea: 6

  China territorial violation charged to: 197

  and collective security: 41

  communism, policy toward containing: 100

  Communist China, recognition proposed: 292

  elections proposed by: 26

  Europe as chief interest: 41

  independence, policy toward: 14

  invasion plans: 8

  Korea, relations with: 3-4

  Korea, treaties with: 3

  language barrier, effect of: 18-19

  military assistance from: 35-36

  military missions to ROK: 4, 29-30

  military policy: 41-42

  national defense, effect of commitment on: 104-05

  Nationalist China, relations with: 319

  nationals evacuated: 67-69, 71

  NATO, role in: 41, 287

  and objectives in Korea: 292, 349-50

  occupation objective defined: 19

  occupation zone defined: 11

  policies, foreign concern over: 289-93

  and provisional government, return of: 16, 22

  ROK, recognition of: 14, 28

  Soviet Union, calls on to intervene: 100

  Soviet Union, differences with: 6-7, 23-25

  trusteeship, agreement on: 21-22, 26

  U.K., relations with: 331

  U.N., problem brought to: 26

  as U.N. agent: 317n

  U.N. joint action proposed by: 68, 73, 100

  U.N. sanctions action: 73-74

  unification, proposals for: 20-23

United States Air Force. See also Air Force, Department of the; Far East 

    Air Forces (FEAF); Vandenberg, General Hoyt S.

  China, air violations of: 247

  commitment proposed: 70, 73

  no FEC staff representation: 108

  GHQ, relations with 47

  intelligence reports, evaluation by: 63

  Soviet territory, violations of: 200-201, 247

Page 442

United Slates Air Force-Continued

  strategic air operations, concept of: 109-10

  units, requisitions for: 239

United States Army. See also Army, Department of the; Pace, Frank, Jr.; 

    War Department.

  ammunition stocks: 46

  antiaircraft guns, stocks of: 46

  Army area organization: 42n

  Army Reserve, role in expansion of: 120-22

  casualties: 405

  combat effectiveness: 56-57, 282, 292, 322-23

  Congress approves expansion: 120n

  construction machinery stocks: 46

  divisions, number in: 53

  expansion and reduction: 118-22, 238, 297-99, 307-09

  field artillery stocks: 46

  Kim Il Sung on tactics of: 114n

  Koreans, number attached to: 167-68, 171-72, 239

  materiel, state of: 45-46

  materiel, World War II, disposition of: 58

  mobilization base, effect of levies on: 90-91

  motor vehicles stocks: 46

  national defense, structure in: 42-43

  National Guard role in expansion: 120, 122-25

  NSC, role in expansion: 298-99

  radio stocks: 46

  ROKA, officers to command: 394-95

  Selective Service role in expansion: 120-24

  strategic planning. post-World War II: 41-42

  strength of, expansion and reduction: 46, 86-88, 119-20, 221-22, 239, 

    288, 299

  tanks in stock: 46

  troop strength, periodic: 43, 45, 53, 123, 221

  weapons, deficiencies in: 86-87

  weapons research and development: 46

United States Army Forces in Korea (USAFIK)

  ADCOM, proposed merger with: 86

  governmental authority ends: 28

  Hodge succeeded by Coulter: 26-27

  inactivated: 86

  JCS, placed under control of: 25

United States Embassy, Seoul: 62-63, 65

United States Marine Corps

  air support by: 216, 303-04

  Reserve forces, levies on: 160-62

  troop units, employment of: 92, 139, 142-43, 159-65

  troop units, strength: 86-87, 159-60

United States Navy. See also Kimball, Dan A.; Naval Forces, Far East 

    (NavFFE); Navy, Department of the; Sherman, Admiral Forrest P.

  air support by: 216, 246, 303-04

  commitment proposed: 70, 73

  no FEC staff representation: 108

  GHQ, relations with: 47

  units, requisitions for: 239

Unity of command, principle exemplified: 114-17

Unsan: 235

U.S. News & World Report: 284, 371

Utchin: 152

Van Fleet, Lt. Gen. James A.

  and amphibious operations: 397

  arrival in Korea: 379

  assignment of: 378-79

  commands Eighth Army: 376, 378-79

  and DMZ, establishment of: 399-400

  estimate of situation by: 398

  at KANSAS-WYOMING lines: 380, 387-89, 398-403

  and limited offensives: 398, 400-402

  patrol bases, operations from: 387-88, 398

  Ridgway, directives from: 381-82

  and ROKA, control of troops: 382

  and ROKA, expansion and training: 394

  and ROKA, U.S. officers to command: 394-95

  tactical plans: 379, 387-89, 397-98, 400-401

  tank support, use of: 387-88

  troops, number commanded by: 387

  victory, comment on chances of: 339n

  and withdrawal operations: 379-80

Vandenberg, General Hoyt S.: 168, 330. See also Air Force, Department of 


  and air forces to halt invasion: 69

  and airlifts, plans for: 157

  and airlifts, supply by: 258

  Formosa, orders aircraft to: 69

  and limited offensives: 401

  MacArthur, conferenced with: 105-06, 140, 325-27

  and MacArthur, relief of: 365n, 376

  and reconnaissance, aerial and ground: 327

  strategic air operations, concept of: 110

  visits to combat areas: 108, 327

Veterans of Foreign Wars: 370-71

Vishinsky, Andrei A.: 371. See also Soviet Union.

Vladivostok: 188, 268, 279, 321, 325, 347

Volunteer Reserves. See Army Reserve.

Waegwan: 127, 202

Wake Island conference: 210-14, 218, 220, 222-23, 232, 371

Walker, General Walton H. See also Eighth Army.

  Almond, conference with: 125

  and ammunition supply: 229-30, 236, 257

  and amphibious operations: 141n

  Bolte, conference with: 237

  and Chinese intervention: 235-36

  Collins, conferences with: 137, 282-83

  combat and training, dual role in: 165-66

  commands Eighth Army: 49

  commands EUSAK and Eighth Army Rear: 86

  commands UNC ground forces: 196

  commands U.S. ground forces: 86

  death of: 305

  enemy troop strength, estimates by: 274

  ground units, deployment by: 91

Page 443

Walker, General Walton H.-Continued

  Hickey, conferences with: 127, 129, 145

  and Inch'on operation: 145, 153-54

  and Kunsan operation: 176-77

  MacArthur, relations with: 125-26, 188-90, 307

  and Marine Corps troops, employment of: 164-65

  and Naktong River operations: 145

  North Korea, drive on: 183-84, 189-90, 195-96

  North Korea, operations in: 202-14, 215, 234-36, 245, 257-60, 262, 

    266, 271-73, 274-75, 278-83

  and Pusan operations: 113-14, 125-27, 131-32, 137-38, 144-46, 148, 

    151-54, 155, 162-64, 165n, 174-77, 283-84, 290, 300-301, 312, 314

  and P'yongyang operations: 216, 218, 235-36, 304

  replacements, requisitions for: 107-08, 137, 166

  and ROKA troops, control of: 205-06

  specialists, requisitions for: 166-67

  supplies, requisitions for: 297

  supply system and operations: 257-59

  tactical plans: 125-27, 131-32, 257-59, 272, 304

  Taejon-Taegu line, defense of: 143

  at Tokyo conference: 278-82

  withdrawal operations: 304-05

War Department: 25-26. See also Army, Department of the; State-War-Navy 

    Coordinating Committee.

Weapons. See also Materiel; also by name.

  deficiencies in: 82, 84-87

  nationalist China deficiencies: 320

  reclamation and supply: 54-60

  research and development in: 46

  shortages: 54, 106

  transfer to ROKA: 35

Weather, effect on operations: 191, 266, 272, 279, 341, 346, 363, 390, 


Wedemeyer, Lt. Gen. Albert C.: 28, 37, 365n

Weible, Maj. Gen. Walter L.: 49, 136-37, 229-30.

    See also Japan Logistical Command.

Weyland, Lt. Gen. Otto P. (USAF): 110-11

Whitney, Maj. Gen. Courtney: 161n, 212, 278-81, 335-36

Wiley, Alexander: 365n

Willoughby, Maj. Gen. Charles A.

  and air operations, control of: 110-11

  Chinese troops, reports on: 179, 198-200, 233-34, 239-41, 259, 263, 

    273, 276-77

  intelligence estimates and reports by: 62-64. 139-40, 179, 202, 259-

    60, 263, 272-73, 274-77, 304-05, 337-38

  North Korean troops, report on: 273

  tactical exercise by: 159

  at Tokyo conference: 278-82

Withdrawal operations: 30, 180, 222-30, 237, 254, 271, 287-92, 294, 

    296n, 298, 300-306, 309-14, 316-17, 321-25, 327-28, 331, 338-39, 

    364, 378-80, 382-83, 386, 391, 395-96

  air support of: 303-04

  by Communist Chinese: 389-90

  doctrine lacking on: 301-02

  ROKA, effect on: 323-24


Wolmi-do: 147, 173

Wonju: 340

Wonsan: 236, 397, 400

  naval support at: 208, 216-17, 219

  operations at: 141n, 187-91, 195-96, 202, 204-10, 212, 216-19, 232, 


  port operation: 206, 259

Wonsan Airfield: 216

Wonsan-P'yongyang road: 188

Wonsan-Yandok road: 263

Wright, Maj. Gen. Edwin K. See also Joint Strategic Plans and Operations 

    Group (JSPOG).

  and airfields, defense of: 300

  enemy troop strength, estimates by: 260

  and GHQ Reserve, headquarters for: 155-57

  and Hungnam operation: 205-06

  and Inch'on operation: 139, 141n, 149, 176, 190n

  and Koreans, attachment to U.S. units: 167

  and Marine Corps units, employment of: 164-65

  and North Korea, drive on: 187-89, 191

  and North Korea, operations in: 260-63, 279

  and strategic air operations: 277-78, 300

  at Tokyo conference: 278-82

  and withdrawal operations: 237, 300-301, 312-13

  Wright, Col. William H. S.: 36

  WYOMING line: 363-64, 379-80, 384, 386, 396, 397-99, 401-03

Yalta Conference: 7

Yalu River, operations around: 179, 190, 197, 230-31, 233-37, 240-47, 

    250-56, 257, 262, 265-66, 268-73, 274, 276-78, 287, 290, 347-48, 

    372, 380-81, 399n

Yanggu: 379

Yangnung: 334-35

Yangp'yong: 340

Yangyang: 304, 361, 363, 380

Yellow Sea: 145, 146

Yesong River: 361, 363, 401-02

Yoju: 333

Yokohama: 172

Yonan Peninsula: 401-02

Yonch'on: 379-80

Yongch'on: 308

Yongdok: 127

Yongdong: 112-13

Yonghung-Taepyong-ni road: 263

Yongp'yong: 304, 334-35

Yongwol: 340

Yongwon: 188-89, 195-96, 216

Youth Corps, ROK: 313

Yugoslavia: 101, 333

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