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Lewis and Clark
Corps of Discovery
Corps of Discovery, United States Army Lewis and Clark Commemorative Logo
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Button, The Mission

The Mission

   Planning and Preparation Planning and

   The Expedition The Expedition

   Portrait of Army Leadership Lewis and Clark —
      A Portrait of
      Army Leadership

   The Army in 1803 The Army in 1803

   A Journey Forth A Journey Fourth

   Camp River Dubois Camp River Dubois

   Expedition Facts Expedition

   Timeline Timeline

   Army Values Army Values

   L&C Keelboat: A Photo Essay Lewis & Clark's
      Keelboat: A
      Photo Essay

   Photo Essay: Frontier Forts of the Expedition Photo Essay:       Frontier Forts
      of the

   Mission Creep Mission Creep

   Dispelling the Myths of Lewis and CLark Dispelling the       Myths of Lewis
      & Clark

The Mission

Painting, The Dismal Niche by Michael Haynes  (Courtesy of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,  National Lewis and Clark Bicentennial Team)
The Dismal Niche
by Michael Haynes
(Courtesy of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
National Lewis and Clark Bicentennial Team

Here you will find information on Lewis and Clark's mission. The information is broken up into several categories. You can view each of these categories individually by using the Navigation Bar on the left.

L&C Home      The People      The Mission      Explore     L&C Links
Center of Military History      US Army