Reenactors from the “Discovery Expedition... [more]
The white pirogue arrives at the US Army’s... [more] |
Portraying “Field Musicks” of the 1st US Infantry Regiment... [more] |
Reenactors from the US Army Corps of Engineers... [more]
Reenactors portray the garrison of the Belle Fontaine... [more] |
Reenactors from the “Discovery Expedition of Saint Charles”... [more] |
Members of the garrison congratulate members of... [more]
Uniformed Reenactors, wearing both “regimental”... [more] |
Uniformed Reenactors “march past” in review according... [more] |
Volunteer reenactors from the Army Corps of Engineers... [more]
Field Musicks standing at “attention.”... [more] |
A recreation of Camp River Du Bois, the post at which... [more] |
A reenactor in Jeffersonian-era US Army fatigue uniform... [more]
An Army Corps of Engineers reenactor portraying... [more] |
A reenactor portraying Captain William Clark... [more] |
Reenactors of “Captain Lewis Company” standing... [more]
The Missouri National Guard exhibit linked the role of... [more] |
US Army Corps of Engineers interpretive display... [more] |
The centerpiece events of the final Lewis and Clark Bicentennial... [more]
The event’s festivities included the dedication... [more] |
This larger than life sculpture depicting Captains Lewis... [more] |
The Missouri National Guard and US Army Corps... [more]
The Closing Ceremonies began with the posting... [more] |
Along with the flags representing various Indian nations... [more] |
Reenactors commemorate the arrival of the... [more] |